ELA with

Ms. Babin

Welcome to 7th grade English Language Arts!

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou

Welcome, everyone. Each September, I begin the school year by introducing a few quotes around my classroom. One of the quotes that I feel is the strongest are from the words of Maya Angelou (see above). This year, together, we will explore what it means to have empathy.

  • We will accomplish this by reading about characters and their experiences, real or imagined.

  • We will accomplish this by writing about our own experiences or the experiences of those characters who only exist in our imaginations.

  • We will accomplish this by speaking and listening to one another in order to create a classroom community.

Please use the following resources to help you with this school year!

Please note that Google Classroom will be used for lessons and materials.

Need to contact me? Email: mbabin@monroe.k12.nj.us