Staff Resources

Here you will find information to support staff with Fair Use, tech tools, or curriculum support materials.

Want to confirm that your classroom use in within Fair Use Guidelines?

Check out this handy reference sheet.

Teacher Fair Use.pdf

PBS Video Collection brought to you by ProQuest (use ProQuest log in)

Collection of over 1,600 videos to support a range of curriculum (science, art, English, history, economics).

Really great resource for learning about technology options available to you.

The Library of Congress, Teacher Homepage, offers classroom materials, lesson plans, primary sources, and more that can be searched by Common Core Standard, state,  or organization.

TeachingBooks is a great resource for finding lesson plans, ideas, and support materials.  They also include numerous lists of award-winning books.

Black Lives Matter Resource Guide: Amazing resource on BLM compiled by Long Beach Community College Library

Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching for Tolerance):  Lessons (and so much more) to support social justice curriculum

PBS Learning:  Links to thousands of videos, lessons, and materials to support, enhance, or extend classroom learning

ReadThinkWrite:  Hundreds of lessons and activities to support literacy and critical thinking

This is just a tiny bit of what is available to support you and your classes.  It's part of my job to help connect you with materials and technology to support your classroom instruction.  Let me know what you need and how I can support you.