The weather

Months, seasons, weather, clothes...

The weather

Free time and hobbies


Azioni in corso (present continuous)

He / She / It is … (verb + ing).

He / She / It isn’t … (verb + ing).

Is he / she … (verb + ing)? Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isn’t.

What is he / she doing?

Ricorda che:

la forma in -ing dei verbi inglesi si ottiene aggiungendo il suffisso -ing alla forma base del verbo ( la forma base di un verbo è l’infinito senza to).

Qui a lato esercizi on-line per fare allenamento 😉

Earth Day 22 aprile 2020

Quella del 2020 sarà un'edizione in linea con le misure che, in tutto il mondo, i governi hanno stabilito per contenere il contagio da Covid-19.

Quest'anno infatti, il 22 aprile, giorno in cui si celebra, a livello planetario, la 50^ Giornata della Terra delle Nazioni Unite, gli organizzatori hanno pensato ad una maratona multimediale: "una sorta di Villaggio per la Terra digitale dove ci incontreremo tutti".

The Solar system


Quando non conosci il significato della parola copia e incollala in Google traduttore (impostando lingua inglese) ed ascoltane anche la pronuncia

The Sun is a star: it gives out light and heat essential for all forms of life; without this energy animals and plants can’t survive! Eight planets orbit around the Sun. The Solar system is enormous!

Pluto is very small and very cold. Jupiter and Saturn are very big, liquid and gas planets. Uranus has got rings of rocks. Neptune has got rings of fire. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are small, rocky planets.

Now write in your notebook

Starting from the Sun:

The 1st planet is: .................................................................

The 2nd planet is: ...............................................................

The 3rd planet is: ................................................................

The 4th planet is: ...............................................................

The 5th planet is: ................................................................

The 6th planet is: ................................................................

The 7th planet is: ................................................................

The 8th planet is: ................................................................

Then there is Pluto, a dwarf planet.

Can & Can't

Ability and permission

No ability and prohibition

Can è uno dei 9 modal verbs e presenta le seguenti caratteristiche:

  • è invariabile, cioè ha la stessa voce per tutte le persone singolari e plurali

  • non usa l’ausiliare nelle forme interrogativa, negativa e interrogativo-negativa, ma si comporta come il verbo "to be"

  • è seguito da verbi all'infinito senza il "to"

  • non è mai seguito da un complemento oggetto.

Prova a copiare ed incollare le frasi in Google traduttore (impostando lingua inglese) ed ascolta la pronuncia

ABILITY: can - (be able to)


She can play the piano.

We can buy a new house now.

I can smell something burning.

She is able to play the piano whenever she wants to.


She could play the piano from the age of five.

We were able to buy a new house.

I could smell something burning.

She was able to play the piano whenever she wanted to.

NO ABILITY: cannot/can't - (not be able to)


She can't play the piano today.

She isn't able to play the piano because her hand hurts.


She couldn't play the piano yesterday.

She wasn't able to play the piano because her hand hurt.

PERMISSION: can - may - (be allowed to)


You can park here.

Visitors may use the car park.

Visitors are allowed to use the car park.


You could park here.

Visitors could use the car park.

Visitors were allowed to use the car park.

PROHIBITION: cannot/can't - may not - (not be allowed to)


You can't park here.

Visitors may not use the car park.

Visitors are not allowed to use the car park.


You couldn't park there.

Visitors could not use the car park.

Visitors were not allowed to use the car park.