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A tool for managing group-living species in the wild.  Case study: can we help the helmeted honeyeater make better mating choices?

Robledo-Ruiz DA, Pavlova A, Clarke RH, Magrath MJL, Quin B, Harrisson KA, Gan HM, Low GW, Sunnucks P. (2022) A novel framework for evaluating in-situ breeding management strategies in endangered populations. Molecular Ecology Resources, 22, 239-253.  Video abstract

A 'swiss army knife' for genetic management: a set of R tools to streamline the application of genetics in conservation

Robledo-Ruiz DA, Austin L, Amos JN, Castrejón-Figueroa J, Harley DKP, Magrath MJL, Sunnucks P, Pavlova A, 2023. Easy-to-use R functions to separate reduced-representation genomic datasets into sex-linked and autosomal loci, and conduct sex-assignment. Molecular Ecology Resources, published online 2/08/2023 available at, data available at

We work with SNP datasets produced by Reduced-representation sequencing (RRS). The datasets are imported to R environment as genlight objects. We developed and tested a suite of R functions for filtering and manipulating genlight object. 

Our paper presents the following four functions (explained by Diana in this video):