Research & PUblications

Research Statement

The goal of our research is to understand the physical substrate of consciousness. How is our conscious experience supported by our brain? To address this question, we focus on 6 research topics. Research focus so far includes:

1) Understanding the boundary between conscious and nonconscious processing,

2) Clarifying the relationships between consciousness and associated psychological processes, and

3) Testing the quantitative theories of consciousness.

And our future and ongoing research are:

4) Big data analysis on loss of consciousness,

5) Massive report paradigms to characterise the structure of conscious experience, and

6) Discovering a structural mapping between consciousness and information

For details, see here.


tLab is trying out various options of Open Science. We believe that many options of Open Science will motivate students and early career researchers (e.g., recognition of their work through publication of posters/talks with doi), pre-registration (e.g., low threshold OSF version of private ones), preprints, sharing data & codes used for papers, making a subset of lab meetings and workshop available on the web.

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