User survey

What impact do Lightboard
videos have on your teaching?

Qualitative feedback excerpts from Lightboard Studio user surveys (June 2020)
Monash University and La Trobe University

Massive contribution in terms of presenting core lecture material to students, and problem solving examples. It has been the most valuable teaching tool I have ever used.

Being able to have real-time problem solving demonstrated for students has been immensely useful. I also like being able to appear in a lecture alongside animations, which I can narrate to assist learning the key principles of the science in action.

[LMS analytics] showed that many students viewed the material, unlike other additional resources.

The learning curve for shooting and producing high quality videos is large. However, the lightboard provides me a super easy and highly professional way to shoot videos. This has given me confidence to push myself further with development of online resources.

The studio is way better than [existing microstudios] for several reasons: booking convenience via Outlook, simple to use, great video/audio quality, files automatically uploaded to the server, file format is very flexible, two-camera system is very flexible.

Allowed production of a lot of higher quality video material rapidly during COVID.

The lightboard is a great way to record engaging content, far beyond any other method. I have used it to produce videos. to supplement recorded lectures with worked examples, to provide formative assessment solutions, and to build and maintain a connection with my students.

The Lightboard Studio now is my “go to” preferred option for all recordings of lectures and even more recently for workshop demonstration sessions for student engagement discussions.

How have you integrated lightboard videos with other learning elements of your unit?

Qualitative feedback excerpts from Lightboard Studio user survey (June 2020)
Monash University and La Trobe

Because anatomy is a 3D visual discipline we require high quality visual presentation. COVID destroyed our normal use of cadaveric material. Instead we used videos of anatomical models to demonstrate the anatomy as we peel off the layers. The combination of this with online anatomy software provides a powerful learning environment that is appreciated by students.

During the pandemic we made a video lab demonstration to go with the normal lab manual and some provided data, so that students could still write up a prac report about this exercise.

As a class, we created a mindmap on the lightboard during a live Zoom workshop.

I've reworked my subject so that Lighboard studio videos form the core of the material. When students ask similar questions you can pop into the studio and quickly make a video to specifically address the gap in learning and then post it on the LMS for all students to have access to it.

General feedback from
academic staff

Qualitative feedback excerpts from Lightboard Studio user survey (June 2020)
Monash University and La Trobe University

It is the best teaching resource for efficient production of resources to enhance student learning. The almost zero time spent in production means that it is incredibly efficient to add amazing value to students in a subject.

I think this is an amazing resource. I was dreading having to make videos but the Lightboard studio produces very high quality audio and video with no fuss. Very little post-processing time needed.

This is an awesome studio that enhances academic performance and student learning in an efficient and practical way. It has my highest endorsement as a tool for teaching and learning.

The Lightboard is utterly transformational, and no other resource is available elsewhere in the university with this sort of capacity.