How does heterosexism impact LGBTIQ students?

How does heterosexism in the tertiary environment impact LGBTIQ students?

Through the perpetuation of heterosexism, LGBTIQ students gain the impression that their community believes they are different, inferior or not ‘normal’.

LGBTIQ students

Non-LGBTIQ students

Impacts on LGBTIQ students may include:

  • making LGBTIQ students feel as though their identities, sexualities and gender identities are invisible or non-existent;

  • making LGBTIQ students feel as though they are unlikely to succeed in a career in their chosen field due to the lack of LGBTIQ representation. This can limit a student’s potential and ambition;

  • reinforcing students’ feelings of guilt, isolation and difference which can have detrimental effects on their mental health and social well-being;

  • reinforcing fear of negative reactions to, or lack of understanding about, theisexuality or gender identity; and/or

  • increasing fear of rejection and discrimination by family, friends, service providers and authority figures.

Heterosexism can also negatively impact on non-LGBTIQ identifying students by signaling to them that:

  • heterosexism is acceptable and is less significant than other forms of oppressions;

  • LGBTIQ experiences are irrelevant or unimportant;

  • heterosexuality is the normal standard which students should uphold;

  • Incidences of homo/bi/trans-phobia are acceptable responses to LGBTIQ communities and experiences; and/or

  • LGBTIQ people are lesser, rightfully excluded, insignificant and invisible.

How does being aware of heterosexism in the tertiary environment help LGBTIQ students?

LGBTIQ students

All students

By being aware of heterosexism, you can begin to help LGBTIQ students by:

  • validating their existence and experiences;

  • reinforcing their value and self-worth;

  • providing space for their voices; and

  • encouraging them to see themselves in the content you are discussing.

In being aware of heterosexism in the tertiary environment, you can help all students by:

  • exposing them to more inclusive and accurate accounts of history and human experience;

  • helping them have a better understanding of LGBTIQ people and their contributions to society;

  • encouraging them to question stereotypes about LGBTIQ people; and

  • promoting acceptance of and respect for all people.