About the Inclusive Education Guidelines

These Inclusive Education Guidelines reflect Monash University’s dual commitment to academic excellence and equity.

These Guidelines recognise that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning and queer (LGBTIQ) students can experience direct and indirect discrimination during the course of their education because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity or expression.

These Guidelines have been developed by the Diverse Genders and Sexualities Advisory Group to help give effect to Monash University’s desire to provide a diversity-conscious curriculum and its commitment to providing a safe environment for all students.

These Guidelines aim to promote respectful teaching methods that are inclusive of all students, regardless of whether or not they are LGBTIQ. They are not intended to be prescriptive, or to in any way inhibit academic freedom. Rather, they are designed to assist all Monash teaching staff to work towards ensuring a LGBTIQ-friendly educational institution.

These Guidelines have been designed to help educators understand, locate and address heterosexism and heteronormativity in the tertiary environment (including online) in order to support our LGBTIQ students.