

Webb, S., Rawolle, S., Hodge, S., Bathmaker, A-M., Gale, T. and Knight, E. (2020) Vocational Institutions, Undergraduate Degrees. Dissemination Report, Monash University, Melbourne.  Available online here

Webb, S., Rawolle, S., Hodge, S., Gale, T., Bathmaker, A-M., Knight, E. and Parker, S. (2019) Degrees of Difference, Examining the Scope, Provision and Equity Effects of Degrees in Vocational Institutions, ARC Discovery 170101885 Interim Project Report, Monash University, Melbourne.  Available online here.

Academic publications

Webb, Susan (2022) Higher Vocational Education and the Matter of Equity in Knight, E., Bathmaker, A.-M., Moodie, G., Orr, K., Webb, S. & Wheelahan, L. (Eds.) Equity and Access to High Skills through Higher Vocational Education. Springer. Pp9-35. 

Hodge, Steven; Knight, Elizabeth; Rawolle, Shaun & Webb, Susan (2022) Higher Education in Vocational Institutions in Australia: What’s Going On? in Knight, E., Bathmaker, A.-M., Moodie, G., Orr, K., Webb, S. & Wheelahan, L. (Eds.) Equity and Access to High Skills through Higher Vocational Education. Springer. Pp189-214. 

Gale, Trevor (2022) Higher Vocational Education as a Work of Art, in Knight, E., Bathmaker, A.-M., Moodie, G., Orr, K., Webb, S. & Wheelahan, L. (Eds.) Equity and Access to High Skills through Higher Vocational Education. Springer. Pp291-317. 

Knight, E., Bathmaker, A.-M., Moodie, G., Orr, K., Webb, S. & Wheelahan, L. (2022) Equity and Access to High Skills through Higher Vocational Education. Springer.

Sinclair, Alice & Webb, Sue (2020) Academic identity in a changing Australian higher education space: the higher education in vocational institution perspective, International Journal of Training Research, 18:02 DOI: 10.1080/14480220.2020.1824874

Koshy, P. Webb, S., Dockery, A.M. & Knight, E. (2020) Bachelor degree participation in vocational institutions: examining the determinants of participation, International Journal of Training Research, 18:02 DOI: 10.1080/14480220.2020.1830838

Bathmaker, Ann-Marie, Graf, Lukas, Powell, Justin, Webb, Sue, & Wheelahan, Leesa. (2018). Higher Level Vocational Education: The Route to High Skills and Productivity as well as Greater Equity? An International Comparative Analysis. VETNET 

Webb, S., Bathmaker, A., Gale, T., Hodge, S., Parker, S. & Rawolle, S., 2017 Higher vocational education and social mobility: educational participation in Australia and England, Journal of Vocational Education & Training ,Vol. 69 , Iss. 1,2017,  pp. 147-167

Sector outputs

Webb, S., Knight, E., Rawolle, S. and Hodge, S. (2020) Vocational Institutions, Undergraduate Degrees - Looking to the future. Recorded Webinar. NCVER, Adelaide

Hodge, S., Webb, S., Rawolle, S. and Knight, E. (2019) Vocational Institutions, Undergraduate Degrees ARC Discovery Project Report, Research Today, AVETRA, NSW. Uploaded here (pdf, 374 kb)

Conference presentations, peer-reviewed

Webb, S., Parker, S., Gale, T. & Knight, E. (2022) Heteroglossic narratives of choice for vocational degrees. SRHE, Online.

Knight, E., Parker, S., Webb, S. & Gale, T. (2022) Heteroglossic narratives of choice for vocational degrees. AARE, Adelaide.

Webb, S. (2021) (Re)building higher education in an ‘age for everyone’. SRHE, Online.

Webb, S., Parker, S., Gale, T., Hodge, S.,  & Knight, E., 2019 The role of students’ archives of experience in selecting higher vocational education, BERA, Manchester, United Kingdom. 

Webb, S., Knight, E., Hodge, S. & Rawolle, S. 2019 “You just do what you want to do” – drawing on different archives of experience in higher vocational education in Australia, ECER, Hamburg, United Kingdom. 

Parker, S., Knight, E., Gale, T. & Webb, S. 2019 Conceptions of occupational outcomes influencing students’ choices in selecting higher vocational education in Australia. NCVER 2019. 

Hodge, S., Webb, S., Knight, E. & Rawolle, S., 2019 Higher vocational education – how does it inform the relation between tertiary education and labour market outcomes?, Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association, Parramatta, NSW. 

Webb, S., Parker, S., Gale, T., Knight, E., Hodge, S & Rawolle, S., 2019 Higher vocational education – what does it mean for vocational education? Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Oxford. 

Webb, S., Knight, E., Hodge, S. and Rawolle, S. 2019 ‘A degree is a degree’:  thinking with Bourdieu and Bernstein to understand vocational institution degrees in a high participation system, 5th International Pathways Collaborative Symposium, 27 June 2019: Theoretically informed research on pathways.

Webb, S., Knight, E., Hodge, S. & Rawolle, S.  2018 New forms of distinction and equity or continuing inequalities: analysing the role of non-university providers in Australian higher education., in Society for Research in Higher Education 2018, Annual Research Conference, SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education, Newport, Wales. 

Rawolle, S., Knight, E., Webb, S. & Hodge, S. 2018 What does higher vocational education bring to higher education that is distinctive?, in Australian Association for Research in Education 2018, Sydney, Australia. 

Sinclair, A., Webb, S., Knight, E., Hodge, S. & Rawolle, S. 2018 Academic Identity in a Changing Australian Higher Education Space: the Higher education in vocational Education Perspective, in Australian Association for Research in Education 2018, Sydney, Australia.   

Webb, S., Knight, E., Hodge, S. & Rawolle, S. 2018 Higher vocational education – what does this mean for vocational education?., World Congress of the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics, Melbourne, Australia. 

Webb, S., Knight, E.,Hodge, S. & Rawolle, S.  2018 What does higher vocational education bring to higher education that is distinctive?., in ECER 2018, Bolzano, Italy. 

Webb, S., Knight, E., Hodge, S. & Rawolle, S.  2018 What does higher vocational education bring to higher education that is distinctive?., in 3rd International ARPCE 2018, Harris Manchester College, Oxford, England. 

Knight, E., Webb, S., Hodge, S. & Rawolle, S.  2018 How does higher education provider type affect graduate outcomes in Australia? in Warwick University Institute for Employment Research Symposium on the political economy of higher education and training: July 2018, Warwick, England. 

Knight, E., Webb, S., Hodge, S. & Rawolle, S.  2018 Higher vocational education – what does it mean for vocational education? in 5th International Conference on Employer Engagement and Training: 5-6 July 2018, London UK , London, England. 

Webb, S., Knight, E., Bathmaker, A., Gale, T., Hodge, S. & Rawolle, S.  2017 What does higher vocational education bring to higher education that is distinctive?., in SRHE 2017, Annual Research Conference, SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education, Newport, Wales. 

Webb, S., Hodge, S., Bathmaker, A., Gale, T., Rawolle, S., & Knight, E. 2017 What does higher vocational education bring to higher education that is distinctive?, Higher vocational education, pathways and social inequality: implications for research and policy. JVET The 3rd International Pathways Collaborative Symposium held on 6 July 2017. 

Webb, S., Hodge, S., Bathmaker, A., Gale, T. & Rawolle, S., 2017, Building a community of practice for research impact on the VET-HE borderland., in AVETRA 2017 : Proceedings of the 20th Annual Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association Conference, Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association, Melbourne, Victoria. 

Webb, S., Knight, E., Bathmaker, A., Gale, T., Hodge, S. & Rawolle, S.  2017 What does higher vocational education bring to higher education that is distinctive?., in SRHE 2017, Annual Research Conference, SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education, Newport, Wales. 

Hodge, S., Rawolle, S., Webb, S., Bathmaker, A. & Gale, T., 2016, What does VET bring to higher education that is distinctive?, in AVETRA 2016 : Proceedings of the 19th Annual Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association Conference, Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association, Crows Nest, N.S.W., pp. 1-13.