Equity and Access to High Skills through Higher Vocational Education

Palgrave Macmillan 2021 publication

Editors - Knight, E., Bathmaker, A.-M., Moodie, G., Orr, K., Webb, S. & Wheelahan, L.

Book chapters



Higher vocational education and the matter of equity

Susan Webb

Of human capital and human rights: Educational reform and institutional hierarchies in Chilean higher education

Cristian M. Lincovil Belmar

Higher vocational education in England in the 2010s: positioning, purpose and possibilities in a highly stratified high participation system of HE

Ann-Marie Bathmaker and Kevin Orr

Higher level vocational education in South Africa: Dilemmas of a differentiated system

Joy Papier & Seamus Needham

Higher vocational education in Canada: The continuing predominance of two-year diploma programs

Michael L. Skolnik

The origins and contemporary development of work-based higher education in Germany: Lessons for Anglophone countries?

Lukas Graf & Justin J. W. Powell

Higher vocational qualifications: differing approaches within the United Kingdom to meeting skills needs for the 21st century

Jim Gallacher & Fiona Reeve

Postsecondary higher education pathways to workforce credential attainment in the United States of America

Deborah L. Floyd, Angela Garcia Falconetti & Lazaro Camacho

Higher education in vocational institutions in Australia – What’s going on?

Steven Hodge, Elizabeth Knight, Shaun Rawolle & Sue Webb

Quebec cégeps as models of social and curricular adaptation

Alexandre Beaupré-Lavallée & Olivier Bégin-Caouette

A typology of tertiary education systems

Gavin Moodie

Why isn’t there more higher education in colleges in liberal market countries?

Leesa Wheelahan

Higher vocational education as a work of art

Trevor Gale