The Martin Lackmann Award for Translational Research

The Martin Lackmann Award for Translational Research

Associate Professor Martin Lackmann made a substantial contribution to the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for over a decade, during which time he established the Protein Interaction and Cancer Research Laboratory. Martin Lackmann was a friend and valued colleague to all who knew him. He exhibited great dedication and integrity, and was always generous and supportive.

His laboratory has gone on to make major contributions in his field of research, and we recognise his international standing in this award by honouring other great cell signalling researchers whose translational research has impacted the global research community.

The award design was a collaboration between the Monash Department of Molecular Biology and the Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing (MCAM). Structural data for an Eph receptor antibody was translated into a 3D work of art by MCAM, who used computer controlled lasers to melt aluminum powder, growing the award one layer at a time.

Previous awardees include:

2015: Grant McArthur (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre)

2017: Fabienne Mackay (University of Melbourne)

2019: Andrew Scott (Olivia Newton John Cancer Research Institute)

2021: Andrew Wilks (SYNthesis Research)

The winner of the 2023 Martin Lackmann Award for Translational Research will be announced at CSTI-2023 on Monday 15th May.