

Fall 2022 Truman Lecture

MWB Russ Charvonia’s The Civility Mosaic, written with Michael Ashley, is a 21st Century treatise on restoring civility as a matter of our survival. As past Grand Master of Masons in California, Charvonia provides readers with a first-of-its-kind, insider look at Freemasonry and how the practical application of its underlying ethos of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth can help us rise above the world’s bickering and violence to create a more compassionate, more humane, and more civil society.

Menu: Fresh Scrambled Eggs, Applewood Bacon, Breakfast Potatoes, Orange Juice and Coffee

Attire: Business Casual


Fall 2021 Truman Lecture

Missouri 2021 Past, Present & Future Presentation

August 10, 2021, marked the two hundredth anniversary of Missouri’s entry as the 24th state to enter the United States. A state with many different regional cultures, geographies, and industries, each Missouri community, county, and region has a story to tell about its people, their history, their commerce, and their culture. By celebrating the accomplishments and diversity of all these regions, we help create a better understanding of our one Missouri and the ties that bind us together.

Under the Missouri 2021 banner, the State Historical Society of Missouri is committed to coordinating a truly statewide commemoration that incorporates both rural and urban communities in projects, programs, and events that contribute to a better-shared understanding of the State’s geographic and cultural diversity as well as the similarities that bring us together as Missourians.

The Grand Lodge of Missouri shares its Bicentennial Year with our great state and have been part of its history.

About Our Speaker

A native of St. Louis, Morgan Dennehy joined the Bicentennial team at the State Historical Society of Missouri as the Bicentennial Projects Coordinator in January 2020. Morgan received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with an emphasis in British Literature from Southeast Missouri State University in 2003. In 2020, Morgan obtained a certificate in Management of Successful Arts and Cultural Organizations from the University of Maryland and currently serves as the President of the Maplewood Barn Community Board of Directors. Morgan is also a member of our Family. Her Masonic roots go back many generations. She is a majority member of the International Order of Job’s Daughters (Bethel # 5 Kirkwood, MO) and is currently a member of Boone Chapter 290 (Columbia, MO) Order of the Eastern Star where she serves as a line officer.

Join us for this event Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 7:00 am for the 2021 Fall Truman Lecture. Register for the event online at the Grand Lodge of Missouri Annual Communication tickets are only available from the Grand Lodge registration screen at

Fall 2020 Truman Virtual Lecture

The Missouri Lodge of Research is pleased to announce our Fall Truman Lecture will be the The Lost Empire – Black Freemasonry in the Old West.

This will be our second online virtual speaker to bring you Masonic Education during the COVID-19 Restrictions and will take place on Thursday October 29th at 7 p.m.

The Missouri Lodge of Research Truman Speaker Series is open to all Masons and non-Masons.

Open to all Master Masons, Family & Friends

The Lost Empire – Black Freemasonry in the Old West

The presentation will be on the book The Lost Empire: Black Freemasonry in the Old West (1867–1906), James R. Morgan III artfully transports you to the period when western outlaws ruled the territories and brings them face to face with the black men who brought enlightenment, guidance and protection to the formerly enslaved through organization. At the vanguard was Captain William Dominick Matthews–Freemason, Civil War officer and abolitionist–who became one of the most illustrious and controversial figures of his time.

About Our Speaker– James R. Morgan, III

James R. Morgan III is a graduate of Howard University in Washington, D.C. where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications and Africana Studies in 2011. He is currently employed with the United States Department of State and serves as a Curatorial Consultant with the African American Civil War Museum in Washington, DC.

James is an active Prince Hall Freemason and as such he serves as Worshipful Grand Historian & Archivist of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia. He has authored several scholarly writings on African American Freemasonry and fraternalism. He is also an Honorary Fellow and Life Member of the Phylaxis Research Society.

James is an active and experienced genealogist and is a member of the James Dent Walker Chapter of the African American Historical and Genealogical Society. He has presented at the 2016 International Black Genealogy Symposium as well as at the 2019 National Conference of the African American Historical and Genealogical Soci-ety (AAHGS) among others. James serves as a member of the Advisory Board of the Bishop Henry McNeal Turner Project and is the author of The Lost Empire: Black Freemasonry in the Old West (1867-1906) which was awarded the 2019 Dr. Charles H. Wesley Medal of History and the 2020 Phillis Wheatley Book Award for Non-Fiction Biography. James is a Co-Panelist on both Black Pro Gen-Live and the Prince Hall Think Tank, both of which can be found on YouTube.

In 2019, The Lost Empire won the Dr. Charles H. Wesley Medal of History which is the highest honor given to historical works by the Phylaxis Society.

In 2020, The Lost Empire received the Phillis Wheatley Book Award for Non-Fiction Biography from the Sons and Daugh-ters of the U.S. Middle Passage Lineage Society.

The Book is Available at

Spring 2020 Truman Lecture

Freemasonry and the Underground Railroad

Once again, many Freemasons stepped in and gave of themselves with considerable risk and exposure for the sake of doing what was right. Not only did the Freemason stand up for those who could not stand up or defend themselves. Slavery has been and did play a significant part in American history, which led to the Civil War, turning brother against brother. Of course, it did not stop there but was a sounding board for what was to come leading to the end of slavery, voting rights, civil rights and the end of segregation in America.

This is a powerful lecture which deals in Toleration, Equality, Justice, Truth, Sacrifice, Acceptance and Respect for others. Regardless of one’s faith, someone believes in; the color of their skin, where they come from or from what culture or custom they were raised in, we stand for all and we are all one, we may not agree with each other or even like each other but we must respect each other. The greatest core value our fraternity has to offer and the most important one we have is that all men are created equal, that we all meet on the level and deserve to be treated as such. Because who we were is who we are, Freemasonry now and Freemasonry for everyone.

“The Time is Right to Always do What is Right”


Summer 2019 Truman Lecture

The Denslows

Missouri’s Masonic Treasure

Join presenter Steven L. Harrison and take a look at the incredible duo of prolific Masonic authors from Missouri, Ray and William Denslow, with an emphasis on the works, career and Masonic journey of Ray and his impact on the Masonic Fraternity worldwide.

About Our Speaker

Steven L. Harrison, 33°, FMLR

  • Past Master, Missouri Lodge of Research

  • Fellow, Missouri Lodge of Research

  • Past Master, Liberty Lodge #31, Liberty, Missouri

  • 33°, Inspector General Honorary, Scottish Rite

  • Author, Editor of several books and articles on Freemasonry

  • Regular contributor to the Midnight Freemasons blog

  • Regular contributor on the Whence Came You podcast

Fall 2018 Truman Lecture

For almost 100 years the George Washington Masonic National Memorial has perpetuated George Washington, the Man and Freemason.

The organization of the Memorial had a lofty and straightforward goal: “To erect and maintain in the City of Alexandria, Virginia, a suitable memorial temple to George Washington, the Mason: one which will express in durability and beauty the undying esteem of the Freemasons of the United States for him, in whose memory it shall stand throughout the coming years.”

Stephen Joseph Ponzillo, III, Past Grand Master of Maryland 2011-12 and current board member of the GWMNM, will present the what, when, why and how of the Memorial.

As the memory of Washington begins to fade in today’s society, the Memorial stands to keep Washington’s dedication to the nation and the fraternity, evergreen.

Come and join us for breakfast as we enjoy another outstanding educational program of our great national history.

Spring 2018 Truman Lecture

Please join the Missouri Lodge of Research and the Missouri York Rite on June 9, 2018 at noon at the Captiol Plaza Hotel and Convention Center in Jefferson CIty, MO as we present our Spring 2018 Truman Lecture Series guest, Brother John A. Bridegroom, KCT, OPC as he presents a talk on the Arts and Crafts of Freemasonry. This lecture will present an introspective look at the art of our Jewels and regalia, as well as other aspects of our Fraternity, and why we should embrace them. The lecture is open to all members of the public.

Fall 2017 Truman Lecture

The Morgan Affair

and US Anti-Masonry

Spring 2017 Truman Lecture

The York Rite & the Missouri Masonic Library

Join us on June 10, 2017 to hear an engaging lecture by Most Worshipful Brother John Hess about preserving the history and archives of the Missouri York Rite and the importance of preserving Masonic Documents for future scholars.

Fall 2016 Truman Lecture

Join us on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 7:00 AM for the Fall Truman Lecture. The topic for our Fall 2016 Truman Lecture will come home to Missouri with the topic and the presenter. The Great Seal of Missouri and Freemasonry will be presented by RWB Dr. Ty G. Treutelaar, Senior Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, AF & AM.

We see the Great Seal of Missouri almost every day in our jurisdiction but much of the Masonic connection to this symbol of the State is unknown, until you attend this lecture.

In the lecture room that day will also be two documents bearing the original seal of which there are only four known surviving examples. These documents from the archives of the Grand Lodge of Missouri were generously curated by the Masonic Home of Missouri.