Internships & Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships vs. Internships

Apprenticeships are dedicated vocational programs that combine on-the-job training with academic instruction. Generally apprenticeships take place in the trade occupations, and are used to train employees to prepare them for a specific field of work.

Click HERE for more information about Apprenticeships, Trades and Unions.

Internships are a period of work experience offered by an employer to give students exposure to the working environment. Internships can be short or long in duration, paid or unpaid, and completed in a wide range of career areas.

Sometimes high school classes use Work Based Learning to provide internships so students can have firsthand experience applying skills learned in the classroom.

Why Work Based Learning?

Work based learning (WBL) programs help students get job experience, and gain the skills needed to succeed in the workplace. WBL also benefits employers by providing access to employment candidates who have the training that they are looking for.

How does WBL benefit students? Exposure to the world of work, experience in a specific occupation, real world application of academics, some internships become paid employment.

How does WBL benefit employers? Development of a talent pipeline, access to a diverse labor pool, earn a reputation for being a great place to work, increased business prospects.