Need to Know Info about MATH!

This year is going to be all about becoming a strong, problem solver. CMP is a problem-based curriculum that allows students to see things in all different representations. The curriculum is cohesive, in that the each problem connects with another. The purpose is to build knowledge and understanding in depth through exploration.

If CMP is new to you and you want to know more, please visit the following link: I REALLY encourage visiting the site and seeing all the resources it offers!


  • 2-inch 3-ring binder

  • a set of 3-5-tab index dividers for binder

  • spiral notebook - reflection journal


Homework 15%

Classwork/Participation 25%

Quizzes 25%

Tests 35%

The general expectation is for students to come to class prepared and on time with a positive attitude to work together as a TEAM. Each day every student will be working in groups of 3-4 students in different positions. The team positions are team captain, facilitator, recorder, and materials manager. The positions rotate everyday so that everyone is accountable to come to class ready to contribute in some way!

Classroom Norms

  • No one’s done, until everyone’s done
  • Support your findings with evidence
  • Always keep an open mind
  • Careful Listening
  • Equitable Airtime