Introduction to

Mental Well-Being

MODULE description

The module “Mental Wellness” is designed to help teachers develop basic knowledge of health and wellness. Teachers will gain a foundational understanding of some factors that could potentially impact their overall health and wellbeing during this pandemic. In addition, teachers will be provided with self-help screening tools to assess their mental wellness. This module provides some basic coping skills techniques to help teachers create healthy habits to reduce daily stressors.


Assistant Professor of Social Work

College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

California Baptist University

8432 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92504

Dr. Kendra Flores-Carter is a Published Author, Professor of Social Work at California Baptist University and a Researcher in the Social and Behavioral Science. An advocate for social justice and change, she has dedicated her career to helping bring awareness to disparities in health and various issues affecting women and children. A former Medical Social Worker for over 10 years she was tasked to provide services to children suffering from trauma related to child abuse and women experiencing significant life crisis such as Intimate Partner Violence, Substance Abuse Complications, Incarceration, Homelessness, and Mental Illness. Locally, nationally, and internationally Dr. Flores-Carter has presented her research, trained professionals, and facilitated workshops on various health related topics. Dr. Flores-Carter is the current President of the Postpartum Support International California State Chapter and Co-Chairs the Inland Empire Maternal Mental Health Collaborative. She is the founder of the Janet Don’t Cry Foundation a non-profit dedicated to providing education, support, and resources on health needs globally. Her organization Caribbean Moms Network provides education on mental health and wellness globally.

Learning Outcome and objectives

Participants will embrace/appreciate uncertainties and develop coping mechanisms/skills to adjust to the paradigm shift affecting their personal and professional lives.

  • participants will be able to identify risk factors related to stress and burnout

  • participants will be provided with basic coping skills techniques to help improve their overall health and wellness

  • participants will gain an understanding of why mental wellness is critical to overall health

MODULE expectation

This self-paced module includes educational videos, mental wellness articles and blogs as well as structured PowerPoint lectures on mental well-being. Participants will have interactive discussion assignments related to each content. Participants are encouraged to complete all the activities in each module to gain a good understanding of mental wellness.