Recording video and audio using free softwares


This module is designed to provide teachers with the basic skills and knowledge to be able to record audio and video using easily accessible software. Lessons will focus on accomplishing a specific task using one or more software to efficiently and effectively produce and publish lesson content.

Mr. Louis underwood

Ladyville Technical High School

Belize Distrist, Belize

Mr. Louis Underwood has a Bachelors degree in Computer Science from Valdosta State University and with more than 15 years of teaching in the field of Computing. He has a wide range of experience teaching networking, desktop publishing, programming, and general application. Presently, he is a full time teacher at Ladyville Technical High School. In addition, he has a professional online service that facilitates online courses and workshops.

Learning outcomes and objectives

This module will focus on demonstrating how to record audio and video using appropriate equipment and software.

By the end of this module, participants will be able to:

  • create audio or video micro-videos (videos less than 2 minutes);

  • create audio or video tutorials (videos between 3 to 15 minutes).

MODULE expectation

Participants’ successful completion of this module is based on their participation in all required activities. This may include but is not limited to follow-up questions, discussions and activities throughout the module.