Digital Platforms

MODULE Description

This course is designed to provide teachers with the basic skills and knowledge as they navigate through the varied online platforms available for use in teaching. This asynchronous discourse will require that the participants be informed before contributing. Meaning to pace students through course materials (this is particularly useful for distance education due to COVID 19). The training will help teachers integrate technology while enhancing learning. Participants are required to engage in online discussions and share best practices as they communicate and collaborate via an online platform.


MR. Hector Castellanos

Mr. Hector Castellanos is a teacher at Belmopan Comprehensive School. He teaches Mathematics and Physics to third form students. Mr. Castellanos holds a Bachelor’s degree in Math Education from the University of Belize.

He is also an enthusiastic teacher of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). This passion for ICT led him to pursue courses that later earned him a certificate in Designing & Facilitating E-learning Level 5. This certification encompasses applying E-Learning Opportunities, Facilitating E-Learning and Developing E-Learning Courses. He also holds a license to create online assessments from Ispring Quiz Maker 8.1. To demonstrate his enthusiasm and desire to enhance instruction, he continues to engage his students in eLearning through various mediums such as shared Google docs, WhatsApp, and phone video recording.

Learning Outcomes and objectives

The main objectives of this module are to equip teachers and school leaders with the technological skills to effectively use online platforms for teaching and learning. At the end of this module, participants should be able to:

  • define online learning;

  • discuss advantages and disadvantages of varied online learning platforms;

  • integrate different technological tools such as WhatsApp, Google Forms, Google Classroom, Google Hangout, Audacity, PowerPoint, Zoom and Edmodo, to teach and assess students;

  • identify the most useful platforms for online interactions between teachers and students;

  • select and adapt the most suitable platform for specific learning groups; and

  • select different platforms that are suitable for teaching online.

MODULE expectation

Participants’ successful completion of this module is based on their participation in all required activities. This may include but, is not limited to, follow-up questions, discussions and activities throughout the module.