Full Subject-Based Banding

Zhonghua Secondary School is one of 30+ secondary schools which implemented Full Subject-Based Banding (Full SBB) in 2023.

Full SBB is part of MOE’s ongoing efforts to nurture the joy of learning and develop multiple pathways to cater to the different strengths and interests of our students.

By 2024, secondary schools will have implemented the following aspects of Full SBB:

Offering of Humanities subjects at a more demanding level from Secondary 2; and

Mixed form classes with the provision of a common curriculum.

For more information about Full SBB, visit www.moe.gov.sg/microsites/psle-fsbb.

What does Full SBB look like in Zhonghua Sec?

In Zhonghua Sec, the implementation takes into consideration the needs, interests and strengths of students. 

For more information about SBB in Zhonghua, please contact our SBB Coordinators:

Ms June Yeo (SH/Maths)

Mr Brandon Choy (SH/Data Management)

Selected Posting Groups 1 and 2 students will be offered the following subjects at a more demanding level, starting from Sec 1, based on their PSLE Achievement Levels:

Students who are eligible to take up one or more subjects at a more demanding level will be informed during the briefing in school on 21 Dec, Thursday, 10.30am. Parents are encouraged to discuss the offer with their child and either accept or reject the offer by 22 Dec, 5pm. Our teachers will be available in school to answer your queries.