Frequently Asked Questions

1. I have been posted to Zhonghua Sec as a Sec 1 student in 2024. What do I do next?

Students who have been posted to Zhonghua Secondary School are to complete a details form here. Parents and students are advised to watch the address by Year Head before completing the form.

If you are unable to access or submit the form, please contact the school at 62824339.

You may also direct your queries to the Year Head (Lower Sec), Mr Ang Chun Hua, at or Assistant Year Head (Lower Sec), Mr Christopher Lim, at

2. How do I purchase my textbooks and uniform? Can I come to school to do it?

Textbooks and uniform can be purchased online or in person. You may access the details here.

If you are unable to do so online, please contact the school at 62824339 and we will advise you further.

For students on the MOE Financial Assistance Scheme, please call the school directly at 62824339 (ext. 106) to look for Ms Grace for details on purchase of textbooks and uniform.

3. When do I have to report to school? What should I wear?

Posting for Sec 1 will take place online. Please complete the details form here

Students who are keen to take up Art Elective Programme are to report to school on 26 Dec 2023 (Tuesday) at 8.00am for a selection test. Students must be in their primary school uniform.

All students who have confirmed their place with the school are to report by 7.20am to Zhonghua Sec (13 Serangoon Ave 3, S556123) on 2 Jan 2024 (Tuesday) in Zhonghua Sec full school uniform (or their primary school uniform if they are unable to purchase the uniform in time).

4. How many sets of uniform and PE attire should I purchase?

Students are required to be in full or half uniform (school skirt/shorts with PE/school-based T-shirt) for all days. Hence it is recommended that students purchase at least 3 skirts or pairs of shorts and at least 2 blouses or shirts. As students  are allowed to wear half uniform when the weather is too hot, it is recommended that students purchase at least 2 sets of PE attire.

All students who have confirmed their places with the school are to report by 7.20am to Zhonghua Sec (13 Serangoon Ave 3, S556123) on 2 Jan 2023 (Tuesday) in Zhonghua Sec full school uniform (or their primary school uniform if they are unable to purchase the uniform in time).

5. How do I get to Zhonghua Secondary?

You can click on this link to find out the different ways to get to our school.

6. Do I have to bring my textbooks on the 1st day of school? Where can I get my timetable?

There will be a special orientation programme on the first week of school from 2 Jan to 5 Jan 2024. Students are to bring along writing material on the first day of school (2 Jan 2024) to take note of important information.

The timetable will be uploaded on our school website by the last week of Dec. Students are advised to refer to the website to download a copy. Lessons according to the timetable will begin on 8 Jan 2024 (Monday).

7.  What is the start-time and end-time on regular school days? 

All students must report to school by 7.20am.

School ends latest by 2.30pm for Secondary One and Two students. For the Upper Secondary levels, the end-time on different days varies, depending on the students’ subject combinations. 

On days when students have to attend CCAs (Mon, Wed or Thur), the ending time can be up to 6.00pm, depending on the nature of the CCA.

8. I am interested in taking up Art Elective Programme. What do I need to do?

Students who are keen to take up Art Elective Programme are to report to school on 26 Dec 2023 (Tuesday) at 8.00am for a selection test. Students must be in their primary school uniform.

Please indicate your interest in taking the selection test in your e-registration form.

More details about the selection test here.

9. How do I know if I am successful in my application for MSP / Third Language? Can I still apply for MSP?

If students have applied for third language or MSP through the S1 Internet System, the status of their application will be made known via Parents Gateway after 3pm on 20 Dec 2023 (Wed).

Students may submit their application to take up MSP as an O-Level subject in Zhonghua Sec here.

10. I am a student in Posting Group 1/2 and have done well in some of my PSLE subjects. How do I know if I have been offered the chance to do the subject at a more demanding level?

Students who are eligible to take up one or more subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, Chinese/Malay) at a more demanding level will be informed via Parents Gateway. Parents are encouraged to discuss the offer with their child and either accept or reject the offer by 22 Dec 2023, 5pm.

For more information about SBB, please contact our SBB Coordinators:

Ms June Yeo (SH/Maths)

Mr Brandon Choy (SH/Data Management)

11. What is Zhonghua Secondary’s PSLE Cut-off Point? I would like to appeal for a place in the school.

The PSLE Cut-Off Point (COP) for the 2024 Secondary 1 Cohort for the respective posting groups are:

Posting Group 3      AL 13

Posting Group 2      AL 23

Posting Group 1      AL 27

Please note that your appeal will only be considered if you have met the COP of the school. Students are advised to confirm their place at their posted school first.

Please refer to the Appeals & Transfer page for more information.

12. How many Sec 1 classes does Zhonghua Secondary have in 2024

We have a total of 8 classes, with a class size of approximately 40 students per class.