
The podcast project provides students with the opportunities to share their thoughts on topics related to the STELLAR units. Students will be recording a podcast about a chosen topic. During the recording, students will speak about a chosen topic.

The English teachers will use the podcasts during their lessons to encourage their students to reflect and discuss the topics. Through this project, the students will have the opportunity to express themselves and learn to become a more confident and effective communicator.

Episode 1 (2022) - When I Grow Up

When I Grow Up.mp3

Episode 2 (2022) - Amazing Friends

Amazing Friends.mp3

Episode 1 (2021) - Should Pets Be Banned?

Our Voices Ep 1 - Should pets be banned.mp3

Episode 2 (2021) - Shout Outs to My Friends!

Our Voices Ep 2 - Shout Outs to my friends!.mp3

Episode 3 (2021) - Favourite Food

Our Voices Ep 3 - Favourite food.mp3

Episode 4 (2021) - Our Neighbourhood

Our Voices Ep 4 - Our Neighbourhood.mp3