Tips to support your Secondary Three child/ward

TIP #1: Connect

Make time to check in with your child/ward and find out how she is coping with the work & her activities, both online and offline.

Find out the kind of things she has been reading, watching or viewing. Are there certain apps or programs that she enjoys spending time on? What does she like about them? This is also a good time to discuss appropriate online and offline behaviour with your child/ward.

Examples include Tik Tok, YouTube and Snapchat.

TIP #2: Understand Expectations

Find out what your child/ward was expected to do during her HBL. How much work did she have to complete? Did she face any challenges completing the tasks? How did she overcome those challenges? How did she manage her time in order to complete the tasks?

You can also take the opportunity to share strategies that have helped you.

TIP #3: Discuss learning opportunities

Suggest/share topics that might interest your child if they don’t know where to start for their student-initiated learning.

TIP #4: Encourage learning

Encourage your child to stay curious, stay focused and stay safe. They can seek out sources of information on their topics of interest and plan their HBL day schedules and check in with an adult (you or their teacher) when they want to try something new.

TIP #5: Find other learning opportunities

The home environment can be a great classroom as well. Encourage your child to help around the house, to look after herself and her environment.

If she is able to take on more responsibility, allow her to contribute to life at home by, for example, doing household chores, learning to cook a family meal or helping her younger siblings with their work.