
Our write-up

Unleash your creativity within the limits of physics as you build robots using LEGO Technic beams, axles, pins and connectors. Thereafter, discuss your strategy, mission and code with your team, to find the shortest and most efficient and reliable route to accomplish most tasks, within a given time frame. Optimise it for accuracy, though, as many competitions penalise or disqualify you for touching your robot while it runs, should it leave a line or hit something unexpectedly. Feel the adrenaline when you walk into the competition hall on the day of judgement, ready to press your robot's 'play' button. In this CCA, endless, tedious, nerve-wrecking, troubleshooting is always guaranteed, and rest only after 6:15pm. Whether a turn needs to be wider, a single-colour-sensor line tracing swing multiplier needs to be adjusted, or the speed to be fast or slower, issues and tasks will crop up from in the middle of nowhere, waiting for you to fine-tune it. This requires lots of patience and perseverance and everyone in the team has a part to play in working towards victory.

We are a CCA that primarily builds and programs robots to accomplish certain tasks, such as picking an object up and dropping it off somewhere else, line tracing, and many other fun stuff. 

In some competition seasons, you may also opt for code-based (IDE code hacker) and building based (IDE sumo) competitions. 

Competitions and schedules (subject to change as we find more competitions)

Secondary 1

Non-DSA students: Learning the basics

DSA students: Follow the Sec 2s and 3s program

Secondary 2, 3

January: Refrsher course & Profiling test

February-May: IDE competition preparation

July-September: WRO preperation

October - CCA standdown for end of year

Secondary 4

Start of year - Values-In-Action and EXCO duties

End April - Standdown for O-Levels, all the best!

Teachers and Trainers

Teachers in charge: Mr Chew Teng Leong, Mdm Sharon Choo

Trainers : Mr Koh Choon Chuan and Mdm Rosalind

The 2023-2024 Executive Committee

Our chairman, Markus Lam

The vice-chair (admin), Julian Soong

Max Ong, Vice-Chairman (training)

Keefe, Admin IC

Jing Yang, Logistics IC 1

Jason Kee, logistics IC 2

Website Maintance - Julian

Despite having lots on my plate from being Vice-chairman, I still try to find the time to help out as much as I can, like with this website.