As a Form Teacher

AS A FORM TEACHER, I develop students' character and confidence through quality CCE programes, faciliation of their learning and monitoring of their growth.

Staff Handbook - Form Teacher.docx
CCE facilitation strategies.pptx

F1 - Regent Learner Etiquette.docx

Regent Learner's Etiquette

As a Leader of my form class

L1 - Guidelines on the Design and Use of CCA and Class T-shirts.docx

Guidless Lines for the design and use of CCA and Class Tee-shirts

L2 - Buddy List (Class Copy) @ 19.11.24.docx

Buddy List for Class

L2 - Buddy List (Teacher Copy) @ 19.11.24.docx

Buddy List for Teacher

L3 - Class Relay System Template @ 19.11.24.docx

Class Relay System

L5 - Classroom Environment Checklist.docx

Class Environment Checklist

L4 - Guidelines for Enhancing Class Physical Environment.pdf

Guidelines for enhancing Class Physical Environment

As a Manager of my form class

Handling of Offences.docx

Handling Offences

M1 - Records of School-Home Link.docx


M2 & M3 - Process Flowchart (Absence), Late-coming, Serious and Minor Offences.docx

M2/M3 Process Flowchart

M3 - Discipline Offences SOP 12.12.18.docx

M3 - Discipline Offences

M4P - Parent Engagement Form (PEF) Pg 1.pdf

M4 - Parents' Engagement Form (p1)

M4P - Parent Engagement Form (PEF) Pg 2.pdf

M4 - Parents' Engagement Form (p2) - restorative practice

M5 - Counselling Case Referral Process.pdf

M5 Counselling Case Referral Process

M6 - SEN Referral Form.pdf

M6 SEN Referral Form

M7 - Records of Meeting With Parents or Guardian.docx

M7 - Records of meetings with Parents/Guardians

M8 - Incident Report Form.pdf

M8 -Incident Report

As a mentor to my students

M1 - Teacher-Student Interaction Template.docx

MR1 - Teacher-Student Interaction

Staff Handbook - Form Teacher ptetd.docx