Character & Citizenship Education


To inculcate values and build competencies in our pupils to develop them into upright and responsible citizens who serve beyond self.

Character & Citizenship Education (CCE) in Qifa anchors on the school mission to develop our pupils into Leaders of Character and Socially Responsible Citizens who actively contribute to the school, community and nation. CCE in Qifa emphasises on the interconnectedness of the core values, 21st century competencies and civic literacy, global awareness and cross-cultural skills that are critical to develop pupils into a confident person, self-directed learner, concerned citizen and an active contributor.


CCE key programmes are driven by the whole-school approach of using the Head (Moral Knowing), Heart (Moral Feeling) and Hands (Moral Action) principles to inculcate values and equip social and emotional competencies in our pupils. This is achieved through the CCE curriculum, which comprises CCE lessons, Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP) and CCE Guidance Modules as well as learning experiences like the National Education (NE) commemorative days, Programme for Active Learning (PAL), Co-curricular (CCA), Values-in-Action (VIA) activities that reinforce CCE.