National Education (NE)

National Education (NE) is an important part of Character & Citizenship Education. We aim to provide opportunities for our students to explore and examine their identity as Singaporeans, and arrive at a common set of ideals and values. We equip students with the knowledge, skills, and values to understand Singapore’s history and unique geo-political context, appreciate our journey to nationhood, cultivate the instincts for survival as a nation, and have confidence in our nation’s future. CCE (FTGP) lessons on NE Commemorative Events, Social Studies lessons, experiences beyond the classroom, key student development events like Cohort Learning Journeys and experiences at our Qifa Heritage Gallery deepen students’ experiences, allowing students to see the connection between what they learn in the classroom and real life.

NE Commemorative Events

Total Defence Day

Total Defence Day is observed annually on February 15, the day that Singapore surrendered to Japan in 1942, during World War II. The commemoration of Total Defence Day aims to ensure that the historical significance of this event is remembered and that the lessons learned from the past continue to shape our commitment to national resilience and unity.

Students wrote heartfelt messages about their country and their wish for Singapore to be safe.
Students engaging in friendly interactions with police officer. 

International Friendship Day

International Friendship Day is a day dedicated to the understanding of Singapore’s relations with neighbouring countries and beyond. It serves as a good opportunity to help students learn and appreciate other cultures as well as nurture in them the spirit of friendship and collaboration among different people.

Artefacts from Indonesia
Tasks and puzzles!

Racial Harmony Day

Racial Harmony day is observed on 21 July every year. It serves to remind our students that race and religion are potential fault-lines in Singapore society. It is a day for schools to reflect on, and celebrate our success as a harmonious nation and society built on a rich diversity of cultures and heritages.

Traditional Games!
Orange Ribbon poster created by students

National Day

National Day, celebrated annually on 9 August, marks Singapore's separation from Malaysia and its emergence as an independent nation. This ceremony aims to instill in students a profound appreciation for the historical significance and solemnity of National Day, fostering national pride and unity. Through diverse activities, students reflect on Singapore's journey, appreciate achievements, and understand their role in contributing to the nation's progress.  

March-in ceremony
Our drama club members in action!
Choir’s performance

NE Ambassadors in Action

NE Ambassadors promote citizenship dispositions, serving as positive role models for their peers. Their diverse responsibilities involve planning NE projects, fostering peer engagement, participating in NE events, and supporting teachers in classroom NE lessons such as TDD, ND etc.

Selected NE Ambassadors for the Thai School Exchange Programme
Vice Head NE Ambassador, Nurhan Daiyan, manning a booth during RHD at our  Qifa Heritage Gallery
NE Ambassadors involved in the Integration Programme Learning Journey to Eurasian Heritage Gallery 
NE Ambassadors taking part in cultural appreciation workshops

Qifa Heritage Gallery

On February 10, 2023, Qifa Primary School proudly unveiled our Heritage Gallery. The opening of this gallery signifies the school's commitment to providing every student with an immersive learning experience. This platform also boosts the confidence of our NE ambassadors, who now serve as museum docents, guiding visitors through Qifa's rich history.

Stepping into this cultural time capsule, students and visitors encounter a curated collection of artifacts, photographs, and memorabilia that narrate the story of our school's evolution and the culture of the Hakka Community. From the founding members to the present generation, each exhibit reveals a chapter of our rich history, highlighting milestones, achievements, and the vibrant spirit that characterizes our school community.

Our Heritage Gallery
Students discover vintage treasures in our Heritage Gallery