Training Resources

Training Schedules


Date: Every Friday - Land Training

Time: 1500-1800

Reporting Venue: Crossroads

Attire: NCC(SEA) Smart 4 Uniform , PT Kit for Sec 1s

Things to bring: Water bottle and PT kit

Date: Tuesday (Ad hoc basis) - Sea training

Time: 1600-1800

Reporting Venue: Crossroads (Training will be held outside school at a water based training center)

Attire: PT kit, water-based training attire

Things to bring: Water bottle

Additional Notes

* Ensure that your bearing is in tip-top condition at all times

* Please inform the Admins and fill in the online form under Training resources if you are unable to make it for training. You will need to provide valid documents for your absence

* Be punctual, latecomers without a valid reason will be severely dealt with.

*If you are unable to wear your uniform for a specific reason, you may report in PT kit but are still required to bring your uniform

ACSBR NCC (SEA) Cadet Specialist Manual

(In Use) Cadet Specialist Manual ACS(BR)

(Document is still a work in progress)

NCC (SEA) Specialist Seamanship Manual


Training resources

Click the underlined link below to access your resources

Junior Cadets (Part A)

Junior Cadets (Part A) E-Learning Modules 

Senior Cadets (Part B)

Senior Cadets (Part B) E-Learning Modules

Cadet Leaders (Part C)

Cadet Leaders (Part C) E-Learning Modules

Do remember to :

Additional information