Open Classroom

Human Digestive System_DI slides.pdf

MRs tay, Pang Xiu Hui

10 February 2022

Science : Use of Differentiated Instruction in the Teaching of the Human Digestive System 

In this lesson, students learnt to describe the physical and chemical digestion of food in the alimentary canal. There was a group activity where students took on the role of a digestive organ to describe their function in digestion. Their sharing about the digestive processes were recorded in a Class Kick worksheet. During the group activity, there was a process of cutting the “nutrient cards” which helped students deepen their understanding of physical and chemical digestion. The students were grouped according to their level of readiness. The instructions in the worksheet for the less ready students were scaffolded. 

Host teacher used the Acquisition Learning Experience. Key applications of technology included Differentiation, Learning Together and Assessment for Learning. 


mdm lee gia hui

15 February 2022

MT (Chinese) : Facilitate learning in Chinese lesson to have a deeper understanding of the food waste issue in Singapore 

Holistic education is centered on values, social and emotional well-being and character development. In this lesson, questioning techniques were used to scaffold students’ understanding of food waste issue in Singapore. Students had the opportunities to construct, and co-construct meaning from knowledge and experiences with one another. Lesson aimed to prepare students to work towards zero food waste in their life. 

Host teacher used the Discussion Learning Experience. 

Lesson was mediated by technology:  Nearpod

Some features used were iPad Audio function for Chinese character input and Speak function for reading the text aloud. 

Congruency for OC.pdf

Mrs Tan puay hoon

19 April 2022

Mathematics: Proof of congruent triangles 

Respectful tasks focus on the same big idea but offer learners different developmental levels to access the content. Teachers can then adaptively respond to student learning. In this lesson, the host teacher  provided just-in-time feedback to maximize students’ progress in learning mathematics and conducted consolidation of the lesson so as to meet the diverse needs of the students. Through the respectful tasks, students were empowered to be self-directed and confident learners, and be engaged in mathematical reasoning and collaborative learning with peers. 

Host teacher used the Learning Experience on Discussion.

Lesson was mediated by ICT: Keynote and Padlet

TS open classroom 26 april slides.pdf

mr tan ting siong

26 April 2022

Design and Technology: Ideation Using morphological analysis and peer feedback using Plus, Minus, Interesting (PMI)

The lesson is an extension of blended learning. Students have ideated solutions to serve the various functions of a stationery/desk tidy. In this lesson, students continued to apply the thinking routine morphological analysis to generate full ideas using the iPad and online video scaffolding. Learning continued outside curriculum hours where teacher and students helped evaluate peer’s ideas using the thinking routine PMI. 

Host teacher used the Learning Experience on Production.

Lesson was mediated by technology: Autodesk Sketchbook, Class Kick and resources via class iCloud folder.

Nuri 28 April 2022.pdf

mdm Nuridahyu M Noor

28 April 2022

CCE: Bridging Differences: Looking Beyond the Label 

This lesson focused on the stigma associated with mental illness, as the needs and situations of people with mental illness may often be overlooked or misunderstood by the society. The WALLS framework formed the structure of this lesson where students learnt to advocate against stigma associated with mental health issues, and created an inclusive and harmonious community. 

Host teacher used the Learning Experience on Discussion.

Lesson was mediated by technology: Mentimeter and Padlet.

RHD Lesson Ob 18 Jul 2022_Karen.pdf

Mdm Karen Ng

18 July 2022

CCE: Racial Harmony : It starts with me! 

Our students have been taught the importance of racial harmony since young but their understanding of racial harmony should go beyond a basic appreciation of other cultures and heritage. Using the "Heads - Hearts-Hands" approach, this lesson aimed to help guide and facilitate discussions on more sensitive issues revolving around race in Singapore’s context. Students were encouraged to think more critically about casual racism and how to play their role as individuals in cultivating a racially harmonious society. 

Host teacher used the Learning Experience on Discussion.

Lesson mediated by technology: Mentimeter and Padlet.

Further Trigonometry- Sine Rule.pdf

Mr Patrick Lim

21 July 2022

Mathematics: Application of Sine Rule 

Students were introduced to the concept of Sine rule and applied Sine rule to solve problems. Students were divided into groups with different entry level differentiated according to readiness to solve mathematical problems. 

Host teacher used the Learning Experience on Acquisition.

Lesson was mediated by technology: Classkick

Case Study on Removal of Gall Bladder.pdf
Concept Cartoon on Role of Bile.pdf

Mdm Diyana Rahayu

2 August 2022

SCI (BIOLOGY) : Case Study on Effect of Removal of Gall Bladder 

Concept cartoon on common misconception was used to activate students’ learning before presenting students with the medical case study on a patient with gallstones who had his gall bladder removed. Students were provided with three different roles to choose from i.e. patient, doctor or nutritionist. The roles chosen led to the creation of different learning products (DI). Based on the students’ choice, they formed groups of three to co-construct meaning and propose solution. One group from each of the three role choices was selected to present their product. At the end of the lesson, students revisited the concept cartoon from before to make improvement to it. 

Host teacher used the Learning Experience on collaboration.

Lesson was mediated by technology: iCloud shared folders, students’ choice of ICT tools, Class Kick