Blended Learning
Blended Learning
The COVID-19 crisis gave rise to new ways of teaching and learning which allowed our students to learn how to become more independent learners.
We need to reimagine a schooling experience that can help our students prepare themselves better for the future and move towards it.
When our students learn by themselves, they are more actively engaged in learning. By allowing them to learn independently, we are:
igniting their curiosity to discover new interests;
encouraging them to be more resilient and adaptable, and to learn to problem-solve when faced with setbacks; and
developing in them a sense of purpose, ownership and love for learning, which will carry them throughout life.
Blended Learning is a learning experience that encompasses days when students learn in school and days when they learn at home. It will equip our students with stronger abilities, dispositions and habits to learn for life and learn from life.
Blended Learning in Maris Stella High School
PLDs will be utilised in Blended Learning, which constitutes a seamless learning experience, with a mix of online and offline learning. In particular, the PLDs will serve to enable:
Home-Based Learning (HBL)
Face to Face Learning with ICT
Home-Based Learning (HBL) Days
Details of the implementation of HBL
S2 and S3 have already started in Term 1;
likely to be conducted on Tuesdays on a fortnightly basis;
to follow a structured timetable for learning; and
S1 HBL days will be confirmed upon the collection of their personal learning devices.
ICT-enhanced Learning
PLDs will leverage the way students learn in and out of their classrooms. With the device, it opens up new ways to connect the teachers and students and even their peers in a networked environment. Below are some examples that our school adopts ICT to enhance students' learning.
Blended Learning @MSHS: Student Initiated Learning (SIL)
Student-Initiated Learning is an opportunity for students to learn to be independent, passionate and lifelong learners. It is a dedicated time for them to explore personal interests, both within and outside of the curriculum.