

The Mathematics Department aims for Hillgrovians to acquire a good foundation in Mathematics knowledge and skills, develop mathematical thinking and problem solving skills so they can apply them in their everyday life. The abilities to reason logically, communicate mathematically and learn collaboratively and independently are core to the delivery of our programmes to students. AfL, ICT and manipulatives are used to enhance students’ understanding and develop Mathematical skills and proficiencies. The department also created an easy structured thinking routine (3Cs: Comprehend & Spot, Connect & Strategise, Check & Sense) to guide students in solving non-routine and real-world problems. Students are exposed to stretch programmes such as Math Olympiad and All Secondary Math Competition, as well as opportunities to learn beyond the classroom such as Math Trail and projects. 


The mission of the Principles of Accounts (POA) unit is to nurture Hillgrovians:

The unit aims to do achieve this mission through helping students establish a firm foundation in the fundamentals of book-keeping and making connections of what they learnt in POA to real-word context. 


Math Dept Highlights.mp4


Singapore Mathematical Olympiad

2023 - 1 Bronze, 10 Honourable Mentions

Mathematics Talent Management Programme

Students who are interested and talented in Mathematics are identified for this programme, where training is provided to expose them to higher level Mathematics before taking part in Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) Competition.

2021: SMO (Senior) Honourable Mention: Jerome Zoon Zi Long, Class 4-7

2019: SMO (Junior) 3 Honourable Mention, SMO (Senior) 4 Honourable Mention and 3 Bronze 

All Singapore Mathematics Competition

Selected students from G2 and G1 streams take part in All Secondary Schools Mathematics Competition every year.

Upper Secondary Normal (Academic), Individual Category:

2020: Rank 9 Lim Ke Xuan

Sec 1 Virtual Mathematics Trail

Due to Safe Management Measures, the Mathematics department had brought our yearly Sec 1 Mathematics Trail online this year so we can continue to provide fun to our students when they discover the use of Mathematics in the real world. At the same time, the students had the opportunities to collaborate with each other and improve on their problem-solving skills. To celebrate our school’s 20th Anniversary,  questions about the school history were also incorporated in the trail and students had lots of fun solving both the Mathematics questions and learning about the school’s history!