

Cultivating Creative Learners and Nurturing HeARTS through the Arts 


The Hillgrove Aesthetics Department celebrates the uniqueness of every individual, and seeks to bring out the artist in every child. We strongly believe that the arts are integral to the holistic development of every student, and to allow every student to discover joy in and through the arts.

In line with the school’s Vision of Reflective Learners, Caring Changemakers, we aim to nurture students who are reflective learners and able to develop a strong sense of empathy and care for others through creative expression of feelings and perspectives, experiential hands-on learning and collaborative problem-solving.

We also believe that to prepare our students for the future, we must provide a robust and progressive arts curriculum – one that inculcates values and equips them with the 21st Century Competencies, to become a Confident Person, Self-Directed Learner, Concerned Citizen and Active Contributor. This is achieved through an effective and quality arts education that is complemented by our school’s Learning for Life Programme (LLP) in the Arts, where students are exposed to a range of art forms – media arts, dance, music, visual arts and drama, so that each and every Hillgrovian develops a strong sense of appreciation for the aesthetics.


Our Lower Secondary Visual Art curriculum aims to develop students’ artistic skills and their ability to Perceive, Communicate and Appreciate. At the end of the 2-year art studies, students:

Students who have a stronger inclination towards Art are encouraged to pursue Art studies at Upper Secondary, where they will further hone their artistic skills and knowledge. There is also the option for students to enrol in the Art Elective Programme (AEP) from Sec 1, to take weekly lessons at an external AEP centre.


Our Lower Secondary Music curriculum aims to develop an informed and life-long involvement in music for all students, by nurturing a strong appreciation of music in both local and global cultures, and developing the ability for creative expression and communication through music. At the end of the 2-year music studies, students:

The curriculum culminates in the yearly highlight event of the department – the Hillgrove Music Festival, where all Secondary 2 students apply their learning accumulated over the 2-year curriculum, form collaborative mixed vocal and instrumental friendship bands, to put up several nights of public and ticketed music performances.

At the Upper Secondary level, students with a strong inclination towards music can opt to do O Level Music as an additional subject at an external O Level Music centre.


Programmes and Events