Design & Technology


Engage Hillgrovians in a learning environment that gradually deepens and expands their understanding, knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems through the D&T curriculum. 

Students acquire the techniques and strategies of design thinking skill and sketching to transform ideas into design solutions.


Secondary 1 Projects

Secondary One G3 and G2 students embark on a design and make an Enviro-Handphone Holder that serves to inculcate the preservation of natural resources. 

Secondary 2 Projects

Secondary Two G3 and G2 students apply the design process to develop a design solution that encourages the reduction of resource wastage.  

Secondary 3 Projects

Secondary Three students deepen their understanding of the design thinking process by seeking design solutions to improve the lives of people such as the needy and elderly using the technological knowledge and skills learnt in Structures, Mechanisms and Basic Electricity and Electronics content.