Social Emotional Competencies Development

Social Emotional Development @ Fuchun Primary School

We aim to develop our students with a strong core and equipped with the 5 Social Emotional (SE) Competencies so that they can manage themselves, build quality relationships with others and make responsible decisions.

The endeavour to develop Social Emotional competencies (Middle Ring) is also part of our broader goal to develop future-ready Fuchunians well-equipped with the necessary 21st century competencies (21CC) to thrive in the future. 

Primary 4 My Mind, Body and Me

Our Primary 4 students are given an individualised report  (My Mind, Body and Me) in Term 2 to provide parents with personalised feedback and tips to improve on your child’s Social Emotional Development and general health habits. We hope that this will promote stronger parental engagement and spur more in-depth conversations with your child during the June holidays.

Below are some conversation starters based on each Social Emotional competency which you can use to further engage your child on their Social Emotional development through casual, light-hearted conversations at home.


1. Did you experience any uncomfortable feelings this year? Who do you turn to when you feel uncomfortable feelings or need help?

2. What is one new skill or area of knowledge you want to learn during this holiday?

3. Are there any problems you encounter with people around you (e.g. friends, siblings) that you can’t solve?

4. What is one thing you appreciate in your life? How can you show gratitude?  [ FTGP Journal Pg 26 – 27]

5. What are some SMART goals you have set for yourself this year? What is your current progress? (FTGP Journal Pg 2 – 4)

6. What are some changes you have experienced this year? How have you coped with them? [FTGP Journal Pg 6]


1. Do you feel stressed in school this semester? How have you coped with the stressors you encounter? [FTGP Journal Pg 14]

2. How are you spending your time at home? Are you able to manage the time you spend on work, play and rest?

3. Were you in any situation where you have acted rashly and regretted your actions? How could you have prevented this?

4. What are some things that are harder to have self-control over? [FTGP Journal Pg 18]

5. Have you been in a difficult situation this semester when you are unsure of what to do? [ FTGP Journal Pg 24]


Social Awareness

1.    Do you have peers who behave or think differently from you? How do you befriend and maintain your friendship with them?

2.    Do you have friends from different races? What are some of the similarities and differences you have observed?

3.    How have you shown care and sensitivity towards others in need? [ FTGP Journal Pg 28-29]

4.    What are some things you have done to be kind to your family, peers and teachers in school and online? [FTGP Journal Pg 38]


Relationship Management

1. Did you enjoy working with others in class (e.g. class committee) and in your CCA? What could you do better to improve in communicating with others?

2. Do you enjoy working in groups? What are some ways you have contributed to your team before? [ FTGP Journal Pg 32]

3. How have you shown care and sensitivity towards others in need? [ FTGP Journal Pg 28-29]

4. What are some conflicts you had with your friends this semester? How did you resolve them? [FTGP Journal Pg 33]

5. Who are some positive influences in class? What have you learnt from them? [FTGP Journal Pg 34 - 35]

6. What are some things you have done to be kind to your family, peers and teachers in school and online? [FTGP Journal Pg 38]


Responsible Decision Making

1. Were you in any situation where you have acted rashly and regretted your actions? How could you have prevented this?

2. How are you spending your time at home? Are you able to manage the time you spend on work, play and rest?

3. What is the role you play in class or in your CCA? How have you contributed to the class or CCA?

4. What are some good Cyber-Wellness habits that you practise at home? [FTGP Journal Pg 21]

5.    Did you experience any peer pressure in school to do things that are unhelpful? How have you coped with them? [FTGP Journal 36-37]  

6.    Have you been in a dilemma or difficult situation where you are not sure of what to do? [ FTGP Journal Pg 24]

* References to FTGP in the questions above are made to the Primary 4 FTGP Journal.