Relax (Video)

Fish breathing under the sea (1:00)

Hot air balloon in the air (1:00)

Square breathing with fishes and a square in the video (2:28)

Scenic view and breathe (2:59)

Candle and Flower Breathing (2:26)

Belly Breathing with Grover about focusing on 1 thing at a time (3:15)

Box breathing with animation (3:26)

Mindful looking, bubbles bounce (4:02)

Mindful visualisation, snow and snowflakes (4:19)

Mindful breathing for 3mins | Stop, Breathe and Think (3:15) [Close Eyes]

Be the Pond | Zen Den (5:35)

Belly Breathing (4:05)

Watch these other videos by GoNoodle to breathe , rest and relax.

Flow, bring balloon down (3:27)

Flow, victory (3:52)

Flow: Rainbow breath energy (4:02)

Flow, on and off energy (4:31)

Alternatively, watch some of the videos from the playlist(s) below.

Sesame Street x Headspace Monster Meditations Playlist