Students who are Singapore citizens can use their Edusave to pay fully or partly for the PLD, after setting aside provision for payment of miscellaneous fees. Parents/Guardians can also choose to pay cash for the PLD. MOE has provided Edusave top-ups of $200 in 2020 to 2022, and $300 in 2023 to all eligible Singaporean students in primary and secondary schools. This is on top of the annual Edusave contribution of $290 for secondary school students and $230 for primary school students. 


Subsidies are available for students who require funding support to purchase a PLD. Please note that it is compulsory for all students on the MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) to use their Edusave to pay for any remaining sums due for the PLD, after subsidies have been granted.

 Please see the table below for information on the eligibility for the subsidy: 

*PCI refers to the GHI divided by the total number of family members in the household.

For more details on financial assistance, please contact: