Mid-Autumn Lantern Competition​.

Hosted by the Aesthetics Department and supported by the Ai Tong School Alumni, this art competition was a creative journey for parents and children, focusing on sustainability in art. Celebrate the imaginative entries and the winners who earned book vouchers for their outstanding creativity.​


Reiko Lin Y. (P4)

“My lantern artwork illustrates the enchanting realm of sea creatures, meticulously crafted from repurposed materials. Each piece is a testament to the urgent need for ocean conservation, urging us to reject ocean plastic. Through my art, I aspire to inspire sustainable choices and foster a good relationship between humanity and the seas.”


Charlise Chen X. (P2)

“We made a lantern in the shape of a mooncake which is associated with the Mid-autumn Festival. The lantern was inspired from the idiom “花好月圆” symbolizing blooming flowers and a bright moon. My lantern depicts the celebration by eating mooncakes, sipping tea and moon gazing.”


Reina Lin X. (P1)

“My lantern was crafted from recycled materials and symbolizes the profound connection between humans and the gentle panda alongside resilient bamboo. It promotes a sustainable ethos, advocating for environment preservation and protection of creatures.”

Consolation 4

Joshua Tay Y.Z. (P1)

“Sustainability is important to protect our oceans and the many beautiful sea creatures living in them. We created a lantern made of recycled fruit wrappers, plastic bottles and a bowl. It depicted fishes and a jellyfish living in the ocean. Every small action will contribute to making our oceans cleaner and healthier for these animals.”

Consolation 5

Joy Toh H.Y. (P1)

“My creation Penguins in Antarctica diorama depicts how ice glaciers are melting at an alarming rate. Through my lantern sculpture, I hope to raise awareness regarding wildlife animals like the penguins who will soon lose their home due to global warming. Let’s play our part to save the earth!.”

Consolation 6

Francesca Ho R.Q. (P2)

“We made a cardboard lantern using recycled materials such as bottle caps, tissue box, newspaper clippings, and fruit wrappers. I learnt that we should recycle, reuse and reduce waste.”

Consolation 7

Larry Zhou A. (P2)

“Everyone can help keep our planet clean and green by recycling or repurposing used materials. We made this lantern out of waste materials from used items. We move towards sustainable living!”

Consolation 8

Kyler Quak W.K. (P3)

“Dragons are deeply rooted as an auspicious symbol in Chinese culture. I used dragons as my lantern’s main structure and included festive pictures of the Mid-autumn celebration. The lantern is made entirely of recycled materials to promote sustainability.”

Consolation 9

Fion Kang G.T. (P4)

“In my lantern creation, I used toilet paper rolls as one of the recycled materials in making the ornaments around my lantern. This helps to reduce demand for raw materials and effectively save costs.”

Consolation 10

Claire Toh K.A. (P4)

“Save Earth, Save a life, Save us all! Caring for our earth is not just a responsibility, it’s a necessity! My ideas in my lantern sculpture is to raise awareness on conservation and reducing carbon footprints.”

Consolation 11

Jayden Sim K.J. (P5)

“My lantern is made from recycled plastic bottles and paper towels painted with watercolor. It is constructed in a circular shape, signifying unity of people celebrating this Mid- Autumn Festival.”

Consolation 12

Chrystabelle Ong E.X. (P5)

“I got my inspiration from a coin which has a double-sided print. My lantern depicts earth being polluted with trees and animals dying on one side while the other side shows earth being healthy and thriving, with animals and trees flourishing. We need to make a choice to love our planet before it's too late.”

Consolation 13

Wesley Teo K.W. (P1)

“My lantern uses recycled materials, and the creative folding of origami papers to depict the Mid-Autumn Festival celebration.”