Frequently Asked Questions


No, AES is a government-aided secondary school, i.e. we take in students from all races and religions and we follow closely to the MOE-stipulated curriculum.

2. AES is a Catholic school. Does that mean I have to attend catechism classes and/or say prayers?

Daily morning prayers will follow the flag-raising ceremony in the morning, and we will start each school event and meal by saying grace. Non-Catholic students are not required to participate in these activities; they should, however, remain silent as a sign of respect.

For Catholic students, there will be Faith Alive! classes conducted every Friday afternoons and attendance is compulsory for all Catholic students. Catholic students will also participate in other Catholic events.

3. What is a government-aided school? Is the curriculum taught different from the other Secondary Schools?

Being a school started by the Montfort Brothers of St Gabriel, AES is affiliated to Boys’ Town Singapore and the other Montfortian institutions by its mission. For example, we share the same school crest as Assumption Pathway School, St Gabriel’s and Montfort Secondary. We may celebrate certain school events (such as Founders’ Day) together as a community.

As a government-aided school, we remain open to all students and we follow closely to the MOE-stipulated curriculum. All our students will sit for the ‘O’/ ‘N’ levels at the end of their 4/5-year education in the school.

4. Are Assumption English School (AES) and Assumption Pathway School (APS) one and the same school?

Both schools were set up by the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel. However, AES and APS are run independently by 2 different principals in the schools.

Unlike APS's focus on practical/ vocational skills as part of their curriculum (like hairdressing, baking/cooking), AES follows closely the MOE-stipulated 4/5-year curriculum. All our students will sit for the ‘O’/ ‘N’ levels at the end of their 4/5-year education in the school.

Full Subject Based Banding (FSBB)

Yes, we are one of the pilot schools to embark on Full Subject Based Banding.

 We have offered SBB English, Mathematics and Science for two years, and this year, we have our first cohort of SBB students for Humanities.

2. What are the benefits of Subject-Based Banding?

Full Subject-Based Banding (Full SBB) is part of MOE's ongoing efforts to nurture the joy of learning and develop multiple pathways for our students.

With Full SBB, all schools will eventually move towards one secondary education, with many subject bands to better meet our students’ learning needs. This means that students are able to stretch their potential according to their areas of strengths and continue to have access to opportunities based on these areas of interest and aptitude

For more information on Full Subject-Based Banding, please visit the MOE Website here.

3. As a pilot school for Full Subject-Based Banding, what are the subject(s) being offered at more demanding levels?

Our school has offered English Language, Maths, Science and Mother Tongue Language at more demanding levels for two years now. This year, we also introduced SBB Humanities to our N(T) and N(A) students.

As a pilot school for FSBB, we started offering Humanities subjects (Geography, History, and Literature in English) at a more demanding level to Sec 1 2019 cohort. The criteria for taking Humanities at a more demanding level will be based on students’ aptitude for and interest in these subjects at Secondary 1.

For more information on Full Subject-Based Banding, please visit the MOE Website here.


This is the indicative PSLE AL range for our school.

Do note that the above are only indicative AL range. The actual range depends on the new cohort of admissions and may vary.

2. If my child/ward has a score of 21-22, will we stand a good chance entering the school's Express Stream?

Based on the Indicative AL score range for AES (as shown above), your child/ward should be able to join the Express stream in our school, subject to school vacancies available. You will definitely stand a better chance if you put Assumption English School as your first choice school.

For more information on the new PSLE Scoring System, please visit the MOE Website here.


Live Q&A Segment (26 Nov 2020, Thu):

Live Q&A Segment (27 Nov 2020, Fri):

Live Q&A Segment (28 Nov 2020, Sat AM):

Live Q&A Segment (28 Nov 2020, Sat PM):