ETD Resources

AI-enabled SLS features: Short Answer Feedback Assistant and Language Feedback Assistant for English

CES Outlook Email @ 20 Feb 2024

Greetings from the Technologies for Learning Branch in ETD! As part of the efforts under Transforming Education through Technology Masterplan 2030 to further customise learning to better meet our students’ unique needs, MOE has introduced various AI-enabled features in SLS. The Adaptive Learning System (ALS) and Feedback Assistant - Mathematics (FA-Math) were launched in June 2023, followed by the Short Answer Feedback Assistant (ShortAnsFA) and Language Feedback Assistant for English (LangFA-EL) in Dec 2023.


The Short Answer Feedback Assistant provides suggested grades and auto-generated content-related feedback for close-ended, short answer questions for any subject and level which teachers can edit and build on, expediting the process for teachers to give quality feedback.


The Language Feedback Assistant for English provides feedback to students' writing in basic areas like spelling, grammar and syntax, allowing teachers to focus on guiding students in the more complex aspects of language construction, and to develop higher-level skills like creative expression, persuasiveness, and tone. ​This feature has been developed in line with our English Language (EL) curriculum.


Together, these Learning Feedback Assistants support Assessment for Learning by enabling teachers to provide more timely and customised feedback to students.


To facilitate your school’s use of ShortAnsFA and LangFA-EL, you may wish to refer to the following resources.


a. Information Deck 

 About ShortAnsFA:

b. User Guide in SLS 

Add ShortAnsFA:  


a. Information Deck 

About LangFA-EL:

b. User Guide in SLS 

Add LangFA-EL: 


If you need further clarification, please feel free to contact us at

Thank you.