Transforming Education through Technology (EdTech) Masterplan 2030  Implementation @ APS

ETD Cluster N6 Partnership Programme

Anderson Primary is partnering ETD in driving EdTech Masterplan adoption in your school in 2024. ETD supports our school in leveraging technology to enhance teaching and learning through the on-going Cluster Partnership Programme.


Following is the list of Cluster ETOs supporting our school: 

a.                   Mdm Shaibha Mohamed Sidek, Educational Technology Officer, at

    b.                   Ms Anna Phang, Senior Educational Technology Officer, at  

c.                   Mr Mong Kok Thong, Assistant Director, at

d.                   Mr Wong Beng Yu, Senior Educational Technology Officer, at

Please note that besides support from cluster ETOs, the school can also continue to raise EdTech-related queries through ETD Helpdesk at


ETD Cluster N6 Partnership Programme - 2024 ETO Consultancy Sessions 

In the first year of onboarding the “Transforming Education through Technology” Masterplan 2030 (or EdTech Masterplan 2030 for short), the school will receive support of up to 7 face-to-face visits from us to provide EdTech consultancy. The 7 visits would be spread across the four terms.

Session 0 - ETD Kick-off Meeting @ 1 March 2024 (2 pm - 3.30 pm @ Conference Room)

1 Kickoff ETD Meeting - Anderson Pri Base Deck Kick-off Meeting - Schools Onboard EdTech Masterplan 2030 (005).pdf

Kick-off Meeting - ETD Sharing

1 Kickoff ETD Meeting - Anderson Pri Sharing.pdf

Kick- off Meeting  - Anderson Primary School  Sharing

Session 0 - ETD Kick-off Meeting @ 1 March 2024 (2 pm - 3.30 pm @ Conference Room)

1) Please find attached a copy of the kickoff slides that ETD shared during the meeting. 

2) ETD requested for the school to share the following information at the meeting to help with the scoping of support for the school:

•             the school’s top EdTech consultancy support needs.

•             the 2 or more departments that have these needs.

Kindly refer to slides shared by school for reference.


3) Meeting attended by:

Anderson Primary School - EdTech Core Team 

Principal - Mdm Hoo

VP Acad - Mr Thomas Boh

HOD EL - Mdm Goh Ling Li

HOD MTL - Mr Eric Lee, SH CL - Mdm Cheong Mei Yuan, LT CL - Mr Seet Chia Song 

SH ML - Mdm Sabariah, SH TL - Mrs Mohan

SH Math - Mrs Sharon Yeo

SH Sci - Mr Ivan Ng, ST Sci - Mdm Sarabjeet Kaur

SSD - Mr Leow

YH MP - Mdm Danz Ong

HOD ICT - Mdm Suzanah

ICT Comm Members - Mdm Linda Tan, Mr Soo Jia Qing

Absence with Apologies

HOD Math - Mdm Tan Bee Bee

ST CL - Mdm Wong Mei Ting

Follow-up by ETD after the session:

Thank you for meeting us on 1 March 2024 and taking the time to share with us your EdTech plans for the year ahead.  

The session allowed us to better understand the needs of the school in your EdTech journey. Please find key points of discussion from the meeting:


i. Strengthening Dept-level EdTech Practices: 

The school team shared that the focus for 2024 will be on e-Pedagogy with the use of SLS and that 4 departments (EL, Math, Science and MT) will be in consultation with cluster ETOs to enhance EdTech implementation in the classroom. 

Other possible areas of support with departments may include curriculum planning and building digital routines.

ii. Greater Customisation of Learning: 

The school also shared that they will like to explore customisation of student learning by tapping on the affordances of SLS and its AI features as a key lever to deepen student learning.

o   11 and 12 Mar SgLDC Virtual Meet 1 – There will be presenters from schools sharing on various topics, including the use of AI. Presentation Synopses can be found here: and registration link here:

o   19 and 21 Mar AI in Education FA-Math Webinar 1 and 2 - The school may sign up and obtain more information here:


Should you have clarifications or need any further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to Kok Thong, Shaihba, Beng Yu and Anna

Follow-up by school /IP depts after the session:

i) Greater Customisation of Learning

HOD Math attended the sessions

19 and 21 Mar AI in Education FA-Math Webinar 1 and 2 - The school may sign up and obtain more information here:

ii) Strengthening Dept-level EdTech Practices

HOD ICT share with IP Head/ ROs to use CYOA as a follow up after e-Coaching Tool discussion (EXCO #7 26 April 2024)

To level up teachers’ competency in the use of EdTech, ETD suggested that the school may use “Choose Your Own Adventure” (CYOA) as a tool to identify teachers’ readiness and map out a school EdTech PD map accordingly. Here is the link to the CYOA:

Session 1 - ETD Meeting @ 4 April 2024 (2 pm - 4 pm @ Conference Room)

[For Participants] Anderson Pri TECH Consultancy

Google Doc Shared by ETD - Working Document 

(IP dept Inputs required)

- Taking Stock TECH @ APS
- Moving Forward TECH @APS

Google Doc Shared by ETD - Follow up after the session 

Session 1 - ETD Meeting @ 4 April 2024 (2 pm - 3.30 pm @ Conference Room)

For this consultancy session, it is focused on our school practices on TECH.

The respective IP Heads and their team members gave their inputs in the Google Doc and shared their thoughts and plans with the school and ETD team.

Follow-up from ETD after the session:

To support the school in establishing TECH key practices, the Guide to TECH for Schools serves as a useful resource as it equips schools with the essential tools and self-help resources to establish or strengthen TECH key practices within their departments, as part of the “Transforming Education through Technology” Masterplan 2030 (or EdTech Masterplan 2030 for short) key initiative to Strengthen School and Department Culture of Collaboration and EdTech Practices. The Guide to TECH for Schools can be accessed here.

Slides 5 to 17 were previously shared during the meeting on 4 April 2024. The school may wish to review these slides for a recap of the information shared. Slides 19 to 22 provide access to the school package(s) for each key practice. 

Each school package contains suggested actions and resources to establish the respective key practices based on the school’s/department’s current practice. ETOs encourage the school to explore the school packages for the key practices they are interested in. 

Should any clarifications be needed, please do not hesitate to reach out to ETOs Anna, Beng Yu and Shaihba.

Follow-up Action to be taken by respective  IP depts (inputs required)

KPs  are to update the  following documents

i) Google Doc Shared by ETD - Working Document

ii) Padlet - Strengthening Dept-level EdTech Practices - Working Document

Session 2 - ETD Meeting @  2024 (2 pm - 4 pm @ ITR Room) 

Session 2 - ETD Meeting @  2024 (2 pm - 4 pm @ ITR Room (Upcoming Session)

For the next consultancy session on 2 May 2024 from 2 pm to 4 pm. these are the proposed focus discussion areas of focus based on the school’s needs.


AI features in SLS for e-Pedagogy


By the end of the session, participants will be able to:


Segment A (45 min)

Use SLS AI-features and tools for greater customisation of students’ learning (45min)


Segment B (45min)

Have a hands-on Session on exploring these tools (45 min)


Proposed target audience (to be finalised - to get inputs by respective KPs)

i)                   SL – VP Acad

ii)                  IP heads and their key dept members

iii)                 SSD & TLC

iv)                 MP YH – ALP STEM i/c

v)                  ICT HOD and key members