PE . Art . Music

Disclaimer: You should view at most 2 videos a day. Remember to take eye break after each activity.

Let's Dance!

P1 Dance Video (Chan Mali Chan).mp4

P1 – Chan Mali Chan

P2 Dance Video (Ode To Joy).mp4

P2 – Ode to Joy

P3 Dance Video (In Appreciation).mp4

P3 – In Appreciation

P4 Dance Video (Maple Tree).mp4

P4 – Maple Leaf Rag

P5 Dance Video (CEIMO CEIMO).mp4


P6 Dance Video (Let's Bounce).mp4

P6 – Let’s Bounce

P5-6 Music Chit Chats
P1-2 Exercise, Rhyme and Freeze.mp4

Exercise, Rhyme and Freeze

P1-2 Penguin Dance.webm

Penguin Dance

P3-6 Alla Turka Percussion Challenge.mp4

Alla Turka Percussion Challenge

P3-6 Can Can Percussion Challenge.mp4

Can Can Percussion Challenge

P3-4  ART

1 - How to make a mobile drawing board:

2 - How to make frames from cut-up kitchen sponges