What is Home-based Learning (HBL)? 

Home-Based Learning (HBL) is a plan to help students learn from home. It can comprise different modes of learning, such as e-learning with computing devices and/or offline work like reading textbooks, completing workbooks and worksheets. There is a range, depending on the nature of the subject and needs of the students. Students are to complete the work assigned at home and not in school. 

Why is Home-based Learning (HBL) necessary? 

HBL allows for the continuity of learning in the event of a school closure (eg. national emergencies, severe haze condition) over a continuous period of time. 

What are the online portals and channels used to carry out HBL? 

The school mainly uses online portals such as the Student Learning Space (SLS) (https://vle.learning.moe.edu.sg/) and/or MC Online (https://www.mconline.sg). 

Access to these portals requires the internet access. 

Do I need a computer or mobile device for HBL? 

It is better that you have one. Your teacher will be assigning some lessons online. You can access SLS/MC online on a computer or a mobile device like iPad / tablet or handphone. If you cannot access the learning portals for any reason, you need to let your teacher know. 

I do not have internet access at home. How else can my child complete the online learning for HBL?  

Below are some suggestions. Your child can:

●     Use your mobile devices with data connection (eg. mobile phones, tablets) to access internet.

●     Ask for your help to print out any soft copy assignments, if necessary.

Does my child need to stay on the computer for the whole day for online learning? 

No. A typical HBL can consists of online learning (eg. on SLS) for not more than 2 hours a day and offline learning (eg. refer to textbooks and worksheets) for a total of maximum 4 hours a day. Please factor in vision and bio breaks. 

Is my child expected to complete his work within the allocated staggered time? 

Students are allocated time slot for SLS access to avoid online network congestion. We understand that your child may need to work outside the stipulated staggered time slot. Kindly ensure your child completes his/her work before the end of the day, so as not to have too many backlogged homework

Can my child go out on HBL days, or must he/she stay at home all the time? 

Our teachers will remind the students that they should be learning at home. We urge parents and care-givers to be our partners and reinforce this message, so that the students remain safe and minimise any exposure to the coronavirus. Specifically:

· Remain in their place of residence as much as possible

· Minimise visitors to the place of residence

· Minimise time spent in public places and contact with others

· Monitor their health and temperature

· Follow their HBL plan closely to continue with their learning

What should I do if I do not have alternative care arrangements for my child? 

Please contact the school to explore options if you are unable to make alternative care arrangements due to your work in essential services, or if you do not have the necessary digital resources, e.g. computer and internet access, to support your child’s HBL. 

I am experiencing some problems accessing elearning portals like SLS or iMTL. What can I do? 

You can call any of the following helplines (during office hours) :

SLS School-Based Helpline - ALPS General Office  Tel: 6248-5400 (Mon-Fri 8am-4pm)  

SLS Helpline - Tel: 6702 6513  (Mon-Fri 4pm-9pm, Sat 9am-9pm)  Emali: helpdesk@sls.ufinity.com

MC Online Helpline - Tel: 6777 5198  Technical Support Site - https://www.mconline.sg/LEAD/LEADHELP/login_help.htm

iMTL Helpline - Tel: 68488900  Email: helpdesk@mail-imtl.moe.edu.sg  (Mon-Friday 7am-7pm, Sat 7am-2pm)

Please state your name, school, class and the issues you are facing.