Enhance Student Well-Being

Promoting an inclusive and safe Arts learning environment Through

Creating an art community through the mini art gallery and living out the values of team work and respect

Sharing of artworks at this art space helps to develop a deeper sense of appreciation for art among students. 

Students feeling encouraged and inspired

Displaying art is making the learning process visible. It is an organic part of the learning process. It is not an end to the process.

Leveraging technology in Art

When perspective drawing goes digital, the P6 students go around the school to take photographs of places around the school using iPad to capture the horizon and vanishing point. The application of their knowledge of one-point perspective is evident in their deliberate exploration of the photographs they took. 

Using the transparency with marking of the horizon and vanishing point, students capture their surroundings to fit the grid in the concept of one-line perspective using the iPad. They then trace the image from iPad onto the transparency to match the horizon and vanishing point on the transparency

From this...

application of knowledge to what they have learnt about perspective drawing onto transparency

...to this

a completed drawing is then coloured in markers 

P1 Exploring Pictoboldo app  to create a fruit portrait of themselves

Artist reference online as lesson activator 

The explorers - P6 students learning how to capture an image using the rule of third technique in photography

Leveraging technology in Music

Where relevant, technology is used to facilitate the students' learning both musically and in their digital competencies. Students create their own ringtones, hone their collaboration skills and monitor their learning and progress using digital tools and apps. 

Primary 6 students recording their music ideas on an online platform. On the same platform, they will give and receive feedback from their peers. 

P5 students reviewing their cajon performance and recording their reflections on a digital app. 

Primary 4 student working on his ringtone.  

P4 students giving feedback to one another on their ringtone project.