Enhancing access to the Arts through learning, engagement and serving in the school community and beyond

Through SCHOOL


Enhancing the students through diversified learning.

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” - Aristotle

When everyone's opinion matters, the project gets lighter through concerted effort and respectful peer evaluation.

Creating rhythms together - P5 students planning for the cajon performance

Playing together and evaluating each other on the ukelele 

Playing the canon on the ukelele

Learning and collaborating with the community

Getting up close and personal with a local artist to learn about community art 

drying their dyed bags - working alongside the artist in the tote bag project

Lantern painting for the Mid Autumn Festival in collaboration with the Community Club

Playing the xylophone with the seniors.

Having fun on the ukulele with the seniors. 

Interacting with the seniors 

Some of our students performed their original song compositions, and participated in the SYF Youth Station Project. One of our groups came in among the top 20 and was awarded Honourable Mention.

Participants of the Singapore Youth Station Project