Some experiences of how some of our players discovered their love and passion for Floorball

Ever since at a young age, I loved playing floorball. I started playing floorball in primary 2. Floorball allows you to be fitter and make new friends through your teammates. Floorball also teaches discipline, teamwork and commitment. These are the reasons why I love playing floorball and enjoy it very much. I chose to enter this school through Direct school admission because of my passion for floorball. I love playing floorball will continue to  try to play my best every time I step in the floorball court.



Having join Floorball in primary school, I had some prior knowledge on the sport. As I really enjoyed the sport in primary school, I joined it in Secondary school again. I am glad that I made the choice as the coaches are very supportive and give us advice on how to do better. After much advice from my coaches, I have improved significantly. I made a choice to join Floorball and I have not regretted it.



I joined floorball to learn new skills and get new experiences. I used to do swimming in primary school as my CCA but wanted to switch to a team sport. My brothers were in floorball, I saw them play and got interested so decided to try it out. Although I did not have any experience playing floorball, i am doing my best to become better. I have not been in floorball for too long but I’m looking forward to training more.



Herman Chong

I joined Floorballl in Sec 3 and I loved it because it is better than my previous CCA (ssh I don't to say). I love my teammates. I was a goalkeeper and even though it was scary at the start, I learned how to overcome the fear of sticks and balls flying in my face. In fact, I managed to save many goals at NSG and I must say I'm quite proud of it. Thank you Floorball team for being such great bros!

Matthew khoo

SCORE! That's my favourite word. I joined Floorball in Primary 2 and it has been a part of my life ever since. I've never scored, though, but I was chosen as Captain and I know what it is like to lead a team of slightly crazy boys but I learned so much not just in terms of skills but in my own ability as a leader. Floorball has truly transformed my life.

muktadir rahman

I don't like saying things so I will just say that as Vice-Captain, I had a lot of fun and I absolutely love Floorball!

What drew me to Floorball in Sec 1 was how this game is played. I like how players are able to use floorball sticks to control the ball effectively and eventually scoring goals. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction to be able to do this. At first, I was not very confident with the drills and exercises, but with constant encouragement from the team and coach, it made me believe in myself and my abilities. Floorball has definitely built up my self-confidence.


I came into this school and CCA by Direct-School-Admission, which means that I would not be able to change my CCA throughout my secondary life. I am glad I made the right choice to join the Floorball CCA as it is a fun sport that enables you to be more fit and will never instill any thought of boredom throughout your secondary life. It is a sport that will encourage you to come for every training without fail. I made a choice for Floorball and I have never regretted it.


I first joined Floorball in Primary 2 since the age limit in my primary school was 8 and my brothers were also in the CCA back then. I managed to get into the school team Primary 3 and it was our team's first time experiencing the National School Games. I then switched over to a goalkeeper in Primary 4, which followed on to secondary school. So far I have joined the ACS Barker Floorball team and have been enjoying the coaching of my coaches and seniors.


I first joined the floorball cca in secondary one. I was completely new to the sport when I first joined, however through the years I have learned to enjoy the sport as well as make new friends. Even though there were some hiccups along the way, I have never once regretted having joined this cca. So far, I have enjoyed every second of our training sessions, be it online or physical.


I have been in this sport for 4 years since primary school. In addition, I am also a member of Tampines Academy where I learned a lot of valuable skills and I have spent one year with ACS(BR) Floorball. I have enjoyed my year there, even though we did not have any competition. I treasure the time spent with my coach and my fellow teammates. I have always enjoyed this sport since I first started looking it up on the web when I was in primary 3. What I love about my time in floorball is the friendship and the energy that my teammates have. I cannot wait for the future with ACS(BR) floorball.


I started playing floorball when I was in Primary 3 and I have been playing floorball since then. I joined ACS Floorball in Secondary 1 and I am very happy with my choice. In Primary 6, I tried to go for the DSA,however,i was not selected and I was sad. Fortunately, when I came to ACS and there was the CCA open house I tried for it and I got a place in the CCA. I am happy with my choice as I got to learn new skills, responsibility and have the chance to lead the team to new heights as the captain.


I first started playing floorball in Secondary 1. As I was browsing through the other sports, Floorball caught my eye as it seemed like it was the perfect fit for me, competitive and fun. I was nervous as it was my first time playing and I didn't know the basics and did not know how to play. However, the sport was easy to pick up after a few trainings and after practising at home. Our seniors were very friendly and generous on giving advice on how to improve and were very friendly. Now, we still try to give good advice to my juniors so that they can improve and become a better player.


I joined the cca in secondary 1. Before joining i had no experience at all in playing floorball. After joining the cca I realised that floorball was not as easy as i thought but with the coaches help and my fellow peers help, i gradually improved in my skills and i am still currently improving. The physical training and the bond you form with your teammates is incredible on and off the court.


When I was in Secondary 1, I was new to the ACS family and had no friends in the school. I was looking for a place to make good friends while having a good time. That's when I thought of joining Floorball since I had also played it in Primary school. The Floorball CCA has allowed me to make many bonds with my teammates as we play hard for our school.


I developed a passion for Floorball back in primary school as my first CCA and it has been my favourite sport ever since. When I swapped to Floorball in Sec 3, I was nervous as I would be the newest member there and was not familiar with the rest of the team. However, the teammates and coach made the experience very welcoming and I fit into the CCA very easily and made many new friends along the way.


I joined Floorball in Sec 1 because I was in the Floorball CCA in my Primary School. I remember going for the Trials and even with prior experience I found the Trials a challenge as the intensity between Primary and Secondary school were largely different. I did get selected for the CCA and since then I have enjoyed every second in floorball . I experienced things like going to competitions and planning events, teaching me how to work well with others and responsibility.


When I first joined Floorball in secondary school, I had no prior experience in playing the sport. I had difficulties playing the sport but with the help of the coaches and my teammates, I worked hard and persevered in improving my Floorball skills. With my hardwork and resilience, I eventually joined the school team in Secondary 2.  Where I improved my floorball skills, physical fitness and made many friends.


Having joined Floorball in Secondary 1 from Chinese Orchestra, I had no prior encounter with the sport. However with the kind help and guidance of knowledgeable mentors like our coach and my teammates, I was able to familiarize myself with Floorball and become well integrated into the team. After a year in the CCA, I was able to participate in the ‘C’ Division National School Games in secondary 2