Floorball Sticks


A stick shall be made in plastic materials, have a knob that ends the shaft, and be approved by the administrating authority.

The shaft shall have a round cross-section, and its length may not exceed 950 mm, measured from the top of the knob, to the joint with the blade. The diameter of the shaft, including the knob, may not exceed 35 mm. The length of the blade may not exceed 350 mm, measured from the joint with the shaft, to the tip of the blade, along the outer edge of the blade. It cannot be sharp, and its so called hook may not exceed 30 mm (measured when the stick rests upon the floor, from the floor to the lowest point of the highest part of the blade). At any point along the blade, its height may not exceed 80 mm, and its width shall be 5 mm to 13 mm. A grip mark, 10 mm wide, shall be placed on the shaft 240 mm from the blade. The shaft may be taped only above the grip mark, and only as long as no approval marks or other official marks are covered. The total weight of the stick excluding tape may not exceed 380 g. Changing the blade is allowed, but the new blade must not be weakened. Taping the joint between the blade and the shaft is allowed, but no more than 10 mm of the visible part of the blade must be covered.

Buying a Floorball Stick

When you are going to choose your floorball stick, it is important that you select the correct length.

If you choose a stick that is too long, it will be harder for you to control the ball, as you are too far away from the ball.

If you on the other hand choose a stick that is too short, you will get problems with your back, as you will play with the back unnaturally bent.

The recommended length of a stick is from the floor to your navel.

For more information, check this link:

Floorball balls

The ball shall be made out of plastic, be spherical with a diameter of 72 mm, and be approved by the administrating authority. The colour of the ball shall be white, but exemption for other colours may be given by the administrating authority. It must have 26 symmetrically placed holes, each with a diameter of 10 mm. The weight must be 23 g. For every match, the arranging team shall see to it that there is at least the number of new balls available decided by the administrating authority.

Floorball court

The court

The court shall be rectangular, 40 m by 20 m (minimum 36 m by 18 m, maximum 44 m by 22 m), with rounded corners. It is bounded by a 50 cm tall board, which shall be approved by the administrating authority.

The following shall be marked with 4 cm to 5 cm wide lines in a clearly visible colour:

  • Two goal lines 90 cm long, 350 cm from each short side of the court, centered with respect to the long sides of the court.

  • Two rectangular creases 300 cm by 150 cm, 310 cm from each short side of the court, centered with respect to the long sides of the court.

  • A centre line from one long side to the other, dividing the court in two equal halves.

  • Seven face-off points: one centre point and six points located 150 cm from the long sides of the court on the centre line and the two imaginary, extended goal lines. Each face-off point shall be marked by two perpendicular, crossing lines.

  • Two penalty points, marked as the face-off points, 7 m from each goal line, centered with respect to the long sides of the court.

  • Two substitution zones, 10 m long, marked along one long side of the court starting 5 m from the centre line.

There shall be two goals, 90 cm wide, 60 cm tall, and 40 cm deep. Each goal shall have a soft net with one 90 cm by 60 cm opening, and be approved by the administrating authority. The goals shall be placed with their posts on the ends of the goal lines, with their openings facing each other.

Players' benches shall be placed at an appropriate distance from the board, not exceeding 5 m, within the limits of each substitution zone, and have room for nineteen persons each.

A secretariat with penalty benches shall be placed opposite the substitution zones, by the centre line. The secretariat and the penalty benches shall be placed at an appropriate distance from the board. There shall be separate penalty benches for each team, placed on each side of the secretariat, each on the same side of the centre line as its corresponding players' bench. The penalty benches shall have room for at least two persons each. Exemption for the placing of the secretariat and the penalty benches may be given by the administrating authority.

The size of the court must be the same in all matches of a tournament or championship.

Players and Team Staff

Players and team staff

Not more than 20 players may be noted in the match record by each team.

The number of players on the court is 5 per team, but can be adjusted according to the size of the court upon a decision by the administrating authority. However, it must be the same in all matches of a tournament or championship.

Each team must have 5 players on the court for the referees to start the match, or else the match will be forfeited. The forfeit score is 5-0.

Each team must have at least 3 players on the court at all times. If this is not possible, e.g. due to injuries or penalties, the match is stopped, and the present score is the final score. If the forfeit score (5-0) is more advantageous for the opposing team, then that is the final score.

Each team shall have a team captain, who shall be marked in the match record. Change of the team captain may only take place in case of injury, illness or match penalty, and has to be noted with time in the match record. A replaced team captain must not again, during the same match, function as team captain.

Only the team captain has the right to speak to the referees, but he or she is also obliged to assist them. When the team captain speaks to the referees, this shall be done according to set conditions; a penalized team captain loses his or her right to speak to the referees, unless he or she is addressed by them, and the team has during this time no other possibility to communicate with the referees.

Each team may note at the most five members as team staff in the match record. No other persons than those noted in the match record are allowed to be in the substitution zones. With the exception of time-out, a member of the team staff must not enter the rink without the referees' permission. All coaching shall take place from each team's own substitution zone. Before the match, a member of the team staff shall sign the match record, and after this no completions shall be allowed.

A member of one team must not be in the opposing team's substitution zone.

Regular Time of a Floorball Game

Regular time

Regular time shall be 3 periods of 15 minutes each, with two 3 minute intermissions at which the teams shall change sides. Exemption for shorter time, however no less than 2 times 15 minutes, and/or intermissions may be given by the administrating authority. In connection with the changing of sides, the teams shall also change substitution zones. The home team shall at an early stage before the match choose sides. Every new period shall start with a face-off at the centre point. At the end of every period the secretariat is responsible for providing a siren or other suitable sound device. The timing of the intermission shall start immediately at the end of the period. The referees are responsible for calling the teams back onto the rink to resume play in time after the intermission. If the referees consider one side of the court to be better than the other, the teams shall change sides after half the third period, but this has to be decided before the match. If such a changing of sides takes place, play shall be resumed with a face-off at the centre point.

Time shall only be stopped in connection with a goal, a penalty, a penalty shot, a time-out or at the referees' sign at an unnatural situation, but the last 3 minutes of the regular time shall be effective. When time has been stopped, it shall be started again when the ball is played after the referees' signal, however not during a penalty shot. The referees decide what shall be considered an unnatural situation, but this always includes a damaged ball, when parts of the board have been separated, injury, measuring of equipment, unauthorized persons or objects on the rink, when the light in the arena entirely or partly goes out, and when the siren goes off by mistake. If parts of the board have been separated, play shall go on until the ball comes near the place in question. When an injury occurs, play shall be interrupted only if the referees suspect serious injury or if the injured player directly affects play. Effective time implies that time shall be stopped every time play is interrupted and started again when the ball is played after the referees' signal.

During regular time, each team shall have the right to request one time-out, which shall be carried out as soon as play is interrupted. A time-out may be requested at any time, but only by the team captain or a member of the team staff. A time-out requested during an interruption shall be carried out immediately, but if the referees consider that this negatively affects the situation for the opposing team, the time-out shall be carried out at the next interruption. A requested time-out shall always be carried out, except after a goal, when the team may withdraw the request. A time-out starts at the referees' additional signal when the teams are at their substitution zones and the referees at the secretariat. Another additional signal after 30 seconds marks the end of the time-out. After a time-out, play shall be resumed according to what caused the interruption. A penalized player must not participate in a time-out.

A period or a match is over as soon as the siren has started to sound.


During a game, there should be no jumping, with it being compulsory for one foot to be on the ground when receiving the ball. Players may also not go down on two knees to make plays or block shots. Only the goalkeeper may play from his or her knees. The ball must also be received by a stick below knee level.