Attendance Policy

Students who attend a drama CCA session or activity will be marked present (P).

If a student is unwell, he must see a doctor and produce a medical certificate/ parents' letter otherwise attendance will be marked as absent with no valid reason (NVR). 

The student is expected to update a teacher of Exco members if he is unable to attend CCA before the start of CCA session. 

CCA attendance percentage is calculated as:

Excuse from drama CCA session

Students deployed on official school activities (e.g. student leadership duties, Service Learning etc.) may apply for official excuse from drama CCA session via the form below.  

Early notice (at least 3 days in advance) should have been given by the relevant teachers/departments etc. If approved, the student will be marked as excused (E) for that session.

Example: Student B has student leaders training on Thursday that clashes with a Drama CCA session. He submits an application for absence on the day itself. The application will be automatically rejected because it is late. His attendance will be marked as absent (AW) if he is not present at the Thursday session.


Students who need to be excused from Drama CCA session for any other reason (e.g. other CCA competition, relative's wedding, weekend holiday etc.) may also apply for official excuse from drama CCA sessions via the form below. This must be submitted at least 7 days in advance. If approved, the student will be marked as excused (E) for that session. If not approved, and the student misses the CCA session, his attendance will be marked as absent (AW).