
JC1s can still report to school in secondary school half uniform next week (13 Feb to 17 Feb) if you have not bought the SAJC uniform/PE attire yet. 

If you have already bought the SAJC uniform/PE attire, you may wish to follow the assembly attire as mentioned during the admin briefing on Fri 10 Feb (see slides on Home page).

Post-Orientation Timetable (13-24 February)

(Venues for JC1 Homerooms are on the last page of the document)

2023 Post-Orientation TT.pdf
Post Orientation- Subject Annnouncements + What to buy
Post Orientation- Subject Annnouncements + What to buy
2023 Track combined assembly queue (CG).pdf

Class Positions for Morning Assembly (Track)

Mon, Thurs, Fri at the track; 

Tues, Wed at your homeroom

CC Seating Plan (JC1 2023).pdf

Class Seating Arrangements in the CC

For Assembly programmes in the CC