School Song

Convent Bukit Nanas School Song

The school song is sung with the accompaniment of a piano. The music score was composed by Lee Swee Yin.

Malay Version

Lirik oleh Puteri Zalina


Sinar bintang hidupku

Bercahaya di sanubari

Sering bergemerlapan

Pancar sinar untuk semua.


Ingatan’kan bersemi

Kerana kau penyuluh hidup

Tunjukkan harapan teguh

CBN,bintang abadiku.

Dengarlah suara semangat waja

Kami insan CBN kini

Teruskan cita dan usaha

Tulus dengan fadilah, azam dengan bakti

Dengarlah suara semangat waja

Kami insan CBN kini

Bakal pemudi harapan negara

Kerana CBN kau tercinta.

English Version

Lyrics by Eileen Lau


The shining star of my life

You will always glow within me

And through me you will shine forth

A new light others will follow.


With us your memory will stay

You will always light the way

Show us our strengths and our hopes,

CBN, our star forever more.

So hear our song sung with spirits strong

We, the girls of CBN today

Will lift up our motto and strive to be

Simple in virtue, steadfast in duty

So hear our song sung with spirits strong

We the girls of CBN today

The youth of tomorrow, we promise to be true

For CBN, we love you.

School song with lyrics

Source: education sharing [Youtube channel].

School song - Instrumental

Source: education sharing [Youtube channel].