Student Affairs Unit

Dear students, welcome back to school. I'm sure everyone had a fantastic time with your loved ones😍🙏.

Since school will reopen tomorrow, we would like to share the SOP that everyone has to adhere in school.

1. Please wear mask.

2. Maintain social distancing.

3. Maintain good hygiene.

4. Bring your own sanitizer even though the school will provide sanitizer.

5. Do Covid-19 Self Test if you have the symptoms.

6. Stay at home if you are not feeling well ( however, please inform your class teacher).

7. Quarantine at home if you are tested positive.

8. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water frequently.


1. Warga sekolah digalakkan memakai pelitup muka sewaktu berada di sekolah.

2. Jaga penjarakan pada setiap masa.

3. Sentiasa menjaga kebersihan diri.

4. Membawa 'sanitizer' walaupun pihak sekolah juga menyediakan sanitizer.

5.  Membuat ujian kendiri Covid-19 jika ada simptom Covid.

6.  Berehat di rumah jika tidak sihat (walaubagaimanapun, maklumkan kepada guru kelas).

7. Kuarantin dirumah jika disahkan covid positif.

8. Pastikan anda minum air secukupnya.

Terima kasih🙏