Interpretation of Data

Interpretation and Display

      1. EMOTIV Insight Measures

    • Delta and Theta Waves: Associated with less intense brain functions

              • Sleep, Meditation, Daydreaming

    • Alpha Waves: Relaxed brain ready for action

          • This has been evidenced by post-walking/running induced relaxed states of mind (exhibited by increased alpha-waves post-workout).

              • (Schneider et al., 2009; Woo et al., 2009)

    • Beta and Gamma Waves: Associated with greater mental loads

          • Concentration, Stress, Anxiety

2. Fitness Trackers

          • Data collected will be displayed alongside brainwave measures to illustrate the affect and/or association between GPS location, Altitude (Rise or Fall), HR, and HRI in respect to EEG data.

3. iPhone

          • Using a custom app, the iPhone is able to compile the data into a CSV file for conversion into an illustrated data set. This illustration will display as: Focus, Motivation, Arousal, Inward Attention, Heart Rate Interval, Heart Rate, Elevation, and Latitude/Longitude. Furthermore, a map and video will be displayed for mapping and analysis (as necessary and available) of external environment impact on data respectively.

  • See Figure 1 for an example of displaying the data.

Figure 1: Final Compilation of Data for Display

Using this display, we are able to analyze and pinpoint variations in brain and physiological function throughout the duration of activity in respect to geospatial location. The video allows us to see observable changes as they correlate with the data.

*Note: This example would have a fixed GPS and Altitude due to being on a treadmill and indoors.*

Interpretation of EEG Displayed Data

Focus (Red):

A general measure of mental engagement evidenced by Beta activity in the frontal lobe (Coelli et al., 2015).

Approach Motivation (Orange):

A participant with AM presents more high-frequency waves (or an absence of Alpha activity) on the left frontal lobe than the right (i.e. frontal assymetry or FAS).

+AM is related to high levels of arousal, which may indicate positive emotion (e.g. happiness, excitement) but could also indicate aggression or anger (Coelli et al., 2015).

Arousal/Anxiety (Yellow):

Associated with high-Beta and Gamma waves in the temporal and parietal lobes, likely translated from the amygdyla underneath (Oathes et al., 2008).

+Commonly associated with tunnel vision, wasted energy, and lower long-term performance.

Inward Attention/Meditative State (Green):

Alpha waves are the strongest indicator of a relaxed state of mind; a “ready, but not over-stimulated” state of mind. Relaxation is often accompanied with Theta waves during a daydreaming or meditative experience.

Theta in the frontal and temporal lobes coupled with Alpha in the posterior is a good indicator of meditative state (Lagopoulos et al., 2009). A meditative state equates with a lack of outward focus leading to internal attention.

*This meditative state should not be confused with focussed meditation practices.*