Exploratory Enrichment

Exploratory Enrichment Services (413 CoSer)

Below you will find a comprehensive listing of exhibits, motivational speakers, museums, and non-arts presenters who are available to present programs for your students. This is a non-juried list and you are not limited to selecting an individual from this list. If you find another program and would like more information, we are happy to assist you.

When you click on the web links in the Roster page, you will be taken directly to the website of that organization for more information. In some instances, there is only an email. You may email Tracy Pulverenti at Staff Development (tpulverenti@moboces.org) for additional information and to book events.

Please Note:

  • We have included the necessary forms for Exploratory Enrichment (EE) to request an artist or performance on this site.

  • We expect that you have made arrangements with the presenter or agency, but please contact us if you would like us to take care of that for you.

  • All forms must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance.

  • Never pay the agency directly. We take care of contracting and payment on behalf of our member schools. As soon as forms are received, a purchase order to the artist or group will be issued. We can NOT reimburse you if you paid ahead.

  • Transportation costs are not aidable under the Performing Arts CoSer.


Additional Information on Exploratory Enrichment Services

This program is available to participating districts as a stand-alone CoSer for enabling subscribing school districts to participate in curriculum-based programs in areas outside of the arts (such as social studies, science, technology, environmental education, health, etc. ) Students may visit various sites, institutions and exhibits related to the respective subject areas. Examples are visits to planetariums, science museums, and exhibits, technology fairs, historical sites, resource management facilities, etc.

Aidable fees covered under this CoSer are limited to site-based fee determined by the number of students and institutional practice or arrangements for consultant/presenter fees. This includes in-building activities. Cost of food, lodging and transportation costs are not covered or aidable. Districts may not put a per person ticket price on the event reservation form. (Admission tickets are not aidable.) Please book as a site cost - all inclusive.

Ex: What is the difference between the AIE CoSer and the Exploratory Enrichment CoSer?

  • AIE is “Arts-based”; EE is “Curriculum-based.”

  • You have an artist coming in who portrays Abraham Lincoln to address your 8th grade social studies students. Arts Based (Theatre, Visual arts)

  • You have a college professor who is an expert on the civil war in to talk to your 8th grade social studies students. Not the Arts - Exploratory Enrichment (Social studies, possibly ELA if writing about the event).